
How to Run a Social Media Campaign: A Guide for Beginners

StrategyDriven Online Marketing and Website Development Article |how to run a social media campaign |How to Run a Social Media Campaign: A Guide for BeginnersEvery year, people continue to spend more time on social media. In 2019, the average person spent 2 hours and 23 minutes on social media every day.

If you’re selling any type of product or service, you need to know how to run a social media campaign if you want to get your brand in front of your customers.

Keep reading to learn more about building a social media plan that will help you reach a wider audience.

1. Create Goals for Your Campaign

Before you can run a social media campaign, you need to decide what your goals are for it. Do you want to sell a new product, increase brand awareness, or grow your email list?

Whatever the purpose is of your social media campaign, be sure to create goals that are specific, measureable, and achievable.

2. Select Platforms

The second step is to decide which social media platforms you’re going to use to reach your audience. This will determine how you create the content or ads since you want to optimize them for each platform.

Unless you have a huge marketing team in place, you’ll want to pick just two or three platforms for your campaign. This allows you to only focus on the platforms that will help you reach your goals.

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3. Check or Make a Social Media Style Guide

If you don’t already have one, now is the time to create a social media style guide. Make sure everything from your logo to your image sizes are well-defined for each platform you’re using.

4. Plan Your Content

Now it’s time to plan your content. Think about what you want to share to guide users down the sales funnel or to reach your goals for the campaign. Then, come up with a schedule of content that will help you accomplish that.

5. Set Your Budget

Possibly the easiest part of the planning process is to determine how much you’re willing to spend on your social media campaign. If you’re running ads, you can set a price per day or for the entire campaign.

6. Prepare Your Social Media Tools

You don’t want to end up scrounging around for tools at the last second once you’ve launched your campaign. For that reason, decide now what tools you’ll use for every part of the campaign process.

This could include:

  • A logo maker
  • Graphic design programs
  • Auto-scheduling software
  • Email list builder

Be sure to keep everyone on the same page, especially if you have more than one person creating visual content.

7. Get to Work!

All that’s left now is to start working on your social media campaign! You put in the preparation work, so now you just have to follow through with your plan and start creating and posting content.

Learn More About How to Run a Social Media Campaign

Now you know how to run a social media campaign. As you can see, it takes a great deal of preparation but is necessary if you want to get the best return on your investment.

To learn more about social media marketing and how to accelerate growth in your business, keep reading our blog. It’s filled with information you can use to make every marketing campaign more successful.

Smart Ways to Reduce Marketing Costs While Increasing Results

StrategyDriven Online Marketing and Website Development Article |Marketing Costs|Smart Ways to Reduce Marketing Costs While Increasing ResultsMarketing is an integral aspect for every business. It can also be expensive and leave a giant hole in even the biggest budgets.

At least, that is the case for those not willing to be smart and creative with their marketing efforts. This is because even frugal spenders can have an effective advertising campaign without needing to splash the cash.

If you want proof of this, read on for shrewd methods to reduce your marketing costs while also boosting sales results at the same time.

Step it Up with Social Media

For frugal marketers, one of the best tools at their disposal is social media. Obviously it is free to set up a business page on the likes of Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. It also doesn’t have to cost any money to make posts — although it is recommended to use ads on social media at some point.

Because of this, social media is a fantastic tool with limitless potential. If you manage to strike gold — aka a viral post or Tweet — this could lead to your brand being seen by hundreds of thousands of people. To improve your visibility on social media, consider the following:

  • Post regularly. Try and make at least one post per day on each platform
  • Don’t prioritize quantity over quality
  • Understand your audience and the content it craves
  • Build up relationships with customers and other businesses
  • Use visuals when possible. Videos and photos always perform better than text-based content
  • Monitor performance. Are certain posts/Tweets working better than others? Stick with what works going forward
  • Don’t ignore any responses to your social media content. Always reply back as soon as possible

Use a Direct Mail Service

Even though this article has generally highlighted digital marketing tips, make no mistake: there’s still a place for using physical marketing for your business.

This is arguably best evidenced by mail-based marketing. Whether it’s a letter or leaflet, any mail through the post is impossible to ignore. As a result, it has a distinct advantage over emails or other online marketing strategies which can be easily skimmed over.

Sadly, a mail campaign can be a costly procedure unless you go with a direct mail provider. As established mailing experts Washington Direct Mail (WDM) demonstrates, you can receive a full-service mailing campaign at a reduced cost compared to doing it in-house.

Repurpose Content

If you’re sitting on a large quantity of content, it’s about time you start squeezing every bit of value out of it for your company’s benefit.

In terms of repurposing content, this means taking an original piece of content — say a blog post — and adapting it for different formats. For example, that blog post could be transformed into social media posts, or maybe even a video.

If you have a large piece of content such as an eBook, this is even better. This could be broken up into multiple blog posts, an infographic, audio content, etc. Basically, you have many opportunities to market your business with content you have already created.

Is Cold Calling A Beneficial Way To Drum up Business?

StrategyDriven Marketing and Sales Article |Cold Calling|Is Cold Calling A Beneficial Way To Drum up Business?Cold calling is a difficult tactic to master when looking to drum up business as it can be seen to may as a harsh way of selling. But for those that have already expressed interest, is it really such a bad idea? With a number of strategies as well as the best times for cold calling, could it be the secret your business needs to drum up sales? In this article, we will be looking into whether or not this is the right way to drum up sales for your business.

Gets Your Business Noticed

Though this is considered outdated by some businesses, the act of cold calling can still be a highly effective way of getting your business noticed. Whether this is with customers or through a long term B2b cold calling strategy, you are getting your name out there to a number of other businesses, providing them with insight into the product or service that you are looking to offer.

Gives A More Personal Touch

Though email marketing and social media are highly efficient ways of drumming up business, there are other options such as cold calling that give a far more personal touch. Though this can generate the initial lead, this can then blossom into more interest and lead to a conversion later on down the line allowing you to develop a relationship between you and the customer. This is beneficial for a sales team as this allows them to take a general interest in a client or business and help to sell them a package that will help them to achieve their long-term goals.

Can Be Used Alongside Social Media Campaigns

Social media campaigns are a great way of drumming up business but using cold calling to contact those that have downloaded an E-book or provided you with their phone number through a website can be the perfect way of drumming up business. Though this will be a challenge depending on the target audience that you are looking to reach, this can be an efficient way of drumming up leads for your business and even acquiring new business later on in the process. Though this is a lengthy process, there is a success rate you gain from cold calls that are yet to be replicated by emails or social media campaigns.

Is Highly Beneficial For Inbound Sales Strategy And Lead Nurturing

Inbound sales strategy is crucial when you have made the first call as you want to be sure you are able to close the sale. Whether this is converting the lead through regular phone calls or you decide to organise a meeting to go over new proposals, this can all lead to your business acquiring new clients. When dealing with b2b clients, it is important to keep this as professional as possible as this is likely to be a long-term investment and even the potential of repeat business for a product or service.

Whether you are looking to use cold calling as a new tactic for your sales team, or you are looking to cut back on the use of this potential outdated sales trick, there are a number of benefits that come along with cold calling.

Generating Social Media Buzz and Trust To Gain Website Traffic

StrategyDriven Online Marketing and Website Development Article |Increase Website Traffic|Generating Social Media Buzz and Trust To Gain Website TrafficSocial Media is one of the best ways to generate traffic to your website and to create brand recognition. Using social media sources to encourage people to take that big step from moving off of the social media platform they are on and over to your website is not an easy task.

Some people’s perception of platforms such as Facebook and Twitter is one that only needs the creation of a Facebook page and a few targeted ads. If only it was that simple.

Facebook is arguably the easiest Social Media platform to encourage people to move from seeing your Facebook page to looking at your website. However, to successfully achieve this user action there are a number of elements you will need to include within your Facebook marketing strategy.

Likes and Followers

Likes and followers of your Facebook page are essentially people endorsing your brand. It doesn’t matter if you are an informational blog website like this one, an e-comm ship, travel website or any other niche, most people will not leave Facebook to visit your website if your Facebook page does not have trust.

Mistakes: Many people make the mistake of using Facebook ads for website clicks. They do this with very little social media content to begin with and no likes/followers. As a result, this type of advertising ends up being a waste of money.

The right thing to do: Start with creating some nice posts that represent your brand. Make sure you have a nice looking banner, contact details, and overall a Facebook page that looks complete and not half done or with important features missing.

To get an idea of how to do this correctly look at your competitors that have a lot of likes and followers as well as lots of comments from people interacting with their Facebook page.

Once you are ready and feel happy then start a ‘Likes and Followers’ campaign before going for clicks directly to your website. You can also use services such as Fast likes that can help build up likes and followers prior to your Facebook operated campaign.

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What Happens Once You Have Built Trust On Your Facebook Page?

The next step is to start to real in engagement from other Facebook users. You can start to create posts that ask questions or competitions. Anything that you think will get people within your industry niche to interact and possibly take the next step which is to visit your website if that is your aim.

You can also start to run a Facebook campaign that encourages people to click through to your website.

With people clearly engaging with your Facebook page, hitting the like button, and following your page, now they are inclined to trust your brand – more so compared to starting the Facebook website clicks campaign with no likes or followers.

What About Using Other Social Media Sites?

You can use other social media platforms to harness trust via likes and followers. Instagram is popular if you want to use images, then YouTube is perfect if you want to use video marketing, then, of course, you have Twitter.

Twitter is much more difficult to master compared to any other social media platforms we have mentioned here. It’s a fast-moving platform and messages can get buried quickly. It is extremely useful if you can master influencer marketing.

Plus, news channels and blogs find it useful to announce new content. It’s not impossible to master Twitter, but it certainly takes a lot more effort to get the right mix of posts and getting the timing of those posts right,

How to Draw Traffic to Your Website

StrategyDriven Marketing and Sales ArticleAs crucial as it is to have a website in the twenty-first century, there’s little benefit to be reaped from owning a corner of the world wide web if you’re not enjoying any traffic. Whether your website is an online store, a promotional vehicle for your business, or simply a self-styled blog, this article will direct you to new ways in which you can increase traffic to your site. In turn, this traffic will increase your brand’s exposure, your number of sales, and your profits.


One of the crucial elements in any website is the way it looks, the way visitors are able to navigate through the site’s pages, and the way in which you use standard coding features to ensure your website runs efficiently and features high up on Google search results. All this is controlled by the quality of web design you employ. Whether you use an independent freelancer or a web design company, the architecture of your site translates in important ways into both its visibility on the web and its navigability to funnel visitors to the point of sale.

In order to maximize your website’s design capability to attract new custom through additional visitors, you’ll want to hire web designers who’re aware of all the tricks of the trade when it comes to making a website more professional. Not only professional to Google’s complex algorithms, which examine the coding behind websites to decide the ranking of your site in search engine results, but the average web user also. It’s technical for the layman, but if you put the time in with research, you too may be able to make minor adjustments to your website to increase its visibility.


The second tip for drawing traffic to your site (perhaps the most important) is creating content. Content can take the form of the written word, a video, pictures, infographics or any other media you see fit to publish under your site’s URL. Content publication has many benefits for your site, including the simple appearance that your site is active and regularly maintained and updated, which increases user trust and confidence in your brand. It’s also a great way to draw in further Google search results to your specific URL. By publishing different titles and themes and keywords, you can grab the attention of users searching for a wider variety of items related to your brand and product.

An excellent place to start if you’re thinking about upping your content output is to post an FAQ-style list of questions and answers. This way, you’re tapping into the mass of questions asked on Google every day. Readers will be happy you’ve provided relevant answers and may continue to navigate the material on your site searching for your product or service. There’s plenty of other methods, which you’ll be able to run on your own after conducting content marketing research or outsource to professionals in marketing companies to help get your content drawing in a higher hit rate on your site.

Social Media

Aligned with content creation but based elsewhere; on your social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, what you publish on your free social media pages should always link back to your website. With so many people using social media every day, it’s absolutely essential that you utilize this huge opportunity to market your site and your brand, though posts that target your current user base in the hopes that they’ll share your content with their list of friends or followers.

It’s in this way that brands expertly draw in a large following to their social media channels and their websites. There are some wonderfully successful examples of viral advertisement campaigns driven by meme-creation and other content that taps into contemporary trends, gossip, and current affairs in order to achieve the virality that constitutes the most successful kind of social media marketing. You should employ a social media savvy marketer to help you manage your social media platforms, creating innovative posts to gain attention for your brand, all of which will boost your website’s traffic.


In the non-digital world, businesses working together tend to boost one another’s customer base with mutual recommendations and guarantees. In the digital world of websites, social media and multimedia content posting, businesses can do so here too. Establishing partners on the world wide web offers one key benefit: the links between your sites help your website ascend those all-important Google search result rankings, with your company finishing higher up the more trusted and relevant links it possesses on its unique URL.

One of the easiest and most practical ways to partner up is by creating a mixture of posts to offer the websites that you wish to collaborate with you. Writing a guest post takes little time but, with the link to your website at the bottom of your post, it diverts interested readers straight to your site while also establishing a data link between your two sites which is mutually beneficial for your partnership. Research the best ways of achieving healthy and mutually productive partnerships before taking the guest post plunge.


There’s nothing like a little bit of traditional advertising to get a little bit more traffic flowing into your site, especially traffic that is perhaps rarely on social media and rarely consuming other content on their smartphones or devices. This demographic is best-accessed through more traditional methods of advertising, such as the business card, the television advert, the newspaper listing or the radio shout-out.

With internet-based marketing becoming the norm, traditional, non-digital marketing techniques are becoming ever-cheaper. It means that your expenditure on this type of marketing may well be minimal when compared with the results it yields. Remember to keep whatever message you’re delivering brief, with your website’s URL displayed as simply as possible so that people can recall your site’s address when they require your product or service.

A barren webpage can feel like a failure to a business looking to establish some sales and interest in the digital world, and so the tips listed above should be of value to those looking to increase web traffic to their website, whether it be a blog or an online store.


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