Entries by StrategyDriven

The importance of news in a student’s life

It is very important for you to instil the habit of following the news in children from a very young age. There was a time when people used to wait for newspapers in order to catch the previous day’s happenings. Thanks to the internet, every latest information now is available with a click of a […]

Dealing with Change as Your Company Grows

While most entrepreneurs hope their fledgeling business will one day grow into a multi-national corporation, making the transition from being the head of a small, tightly-knit team to overseeing a large number of employees working across a range of departments can often present a host of unexpected challenges. The following tips will ensure you are […]

How to Bag the Best Acting Projects

Just like any other profession, gaining the required experience to perfect your art is required. In order to do this, apart from being committed and passionate about acting, you have to be willing to work hard at improving your craft. While it is easier said than done, where there is a will there is a […]