
What Are the Organizational Benefits of Professional Development?

StrategyDriven Managing Your People Article | What Are the Organizational Benefits of Professional Development?Hearing the phrase “professional development” makes some people squirm, others roll their eyes, and a few actually listen candidly. There’s often a misconception that managers who suggest some type of professional development to their employees actually suggest it because of poor performance, but this couldn’t be further from the truth.

Professional development is a great way for people at all levels of an organization to hone in on what exactly they want their career path to look like and gives them the opportunity to experiment with new tools that might help them to get there. There are many different avenues of professional development, but some common types include seminars, workshops, conferences, career conversations, job shadowing, and online courses.

The Benefits of Professional Development

If you’re reading this and thinking, “as much as I’d like to offer these types of programs at my organization, it just sounds a bit time consuming and expensive,” then consider the many benefits:

Long-Term Money Savings

As the tried-and-true sales saying goes, it costs more money to acquire new customers than it does to retain existing ones. The same goes for people within an organization.

It is important to note, however, that poor employee development (unorganized structure, prioritizing high performers over the whole, etc.) will cost more time and money than no development at all. So if you’re going to go in, go ALL in.

There’s No “I” In Success

Some people enjoy the monotony of knowing exactly what their tasks are for the day, how long it will take to complete them, getting them done successfully, and doing it all again tomorrow. Others like a challenge—setting higher goals and aiming for the moon. By understanding the unique motivations of your employees you can tailor a different professional development plan for each individual. Skilled managers should strive to foster their employees’ development because when your employees are successful, then everyone is successful. By creating professional development plans, you can combat complacency and build teams from simply competent to excelling in no time.

Improve Company Culture

Company culture may seem like a cliche buzzword, but it still holds a lot of value to today’s labor force. As of 2019, 46% of job seekers say company culture is very important when applying for a specific role.

Now more than ever, employees are worried about crafting a sustainable career with a company that has values closely aligned with their own.

Initiate Professional Development Conversations With Employees

“But how do I go about starting the conversation on employee development,” you ask? It’s simple, talk to your team and discuss your motivation for wanting to start a development program. If you’re in a hybrid or remote work environment, you can easily set up a video conference call and begin asking questions to get the team thinking about how they would like to see their role expand.

One great question to ask your team is: “How can being an employee here help you become the person you want to be?” It shifts the perspective from “what” you would be (your duties in a role) to “who” you would be (emphasizing you as an individual.) Unlocking your team’s core values will help you further understand their goals as well as new ways you can help support their success. After all, contributing to meaningful work is the number one reason employees choose to stay in their current positions.

Foster Professional Development During COVID-19

It might be daunting to talk to your employees about their careers in the midst of a pandemic, but, nonetheless, these are still important conversations to have. It’s vital to utilize a secure network option to ensure your line of communication is private and confidential. Other tools like learning management systems make it easier to track employees progress with special e-learning courses unique to the company.

You can test the waters of your development plan by checking in on your remote employees often, and making sure they know that you’re accessible, even if it’s only over Zoom. You can also encourage their success by highlighting them in larger team meetings.

After getting a feel for the areas your employees have expressed interest in, try introducing them to other people in the company that have experience in those areas. Professional development doesn’t have to be only hard skills—it can also include soft skills such as networking or public speaking.

What Are Professional Development Goals?

StrategyDriven Professional Development Article |Professional Development Goals|What Are Professional Development Goals?OK, many of you will ask –

So, what is professional development anyways?

Here’s a short answer.

Professional development can give you the chance to grow and expand your knowledge on the subjects that matter to you. It can offer you access to the outcomes that you want and help you evolve personally.

Why set goals?

Career development is quite challenging to achieve without goals. If you can set the right ones constantly, you might actually get exactly what you need. Gaining more experience must be planned to figure out the next step of the way. You will become more motivated and determined to succeed by having a clear objective in mind. If you want to expand your skills in a specific domain, you must learn more about the topic and then, practice. For example, expanding your computer skills could be associated with taking a Photoshop course.

Setting career goals encourages constant development. You will soon learn that you have skills that stand out in other industries. To continue on our example, if you are a computer scientist, you might as well work in the digital arts field now.

If you don’t know how to set goals, don’t worry about it. That’s okay. You’re here to learn how to do it right. Take a look at some of our ideas and let us know what you think.

Complete a leadership program

Completing a leadership program will offer you the tools that you need to become empowered. If you are not in a leadership position as of now, you might be after you’ll graduate from such a program. Leadership programs are appealing to new companies as well as new roles within your company. So, if you’re tired of doing the same job and want to attract new potential opportunities, a leadership program might be what you’re looking for.

“Leadership training can empower you to succeed, teach you valuable skills, can help you get to the next level, teach you how to work with people (and influence them), how to build a team, and how to avoid major mistakes,” according to dissertation help specialist and the team leader, Christina Wanger.

StrategyDriven Professional Development Article |Professional Development Goals|What Are Professional Development Goals?Complete a professional degree or certificate

Another useful career development goal is earning a certificate or professional degree in your field (or any other field for that matter). Continuing to develop your skills shows persistence and determination and can be an extraordinary asset. If you’ll want to change careers or apply for a promotion, your resume must stand out, and you must show willingness to improve. You could sign up for Marketing or SEO training to expand some of the most valuable skills on the market.

Tip: some companies agree to invest in professional development programs for their employees, so you must want to check with your firm on that.

Get out of your shell

Knowing your department only can be limiting. If you have no idea how other departments in your office function, you’ll never be able to contribute more to the company. Learn what roles each person has within the company and how habits can determine outcomes. Shadow each department over the next quarter or so and build a wider understanding of what it means to work in a different field. You will gain lots of experience!

Ask for constant feedback

Receiving transparent and honest feedback is one of the best ways in which you can professionally develop. You must know what you can improve in order to make the changes. Getting your team’s and employer’s perspective on your practices can have a crucial impact – it can teach you what works and what doesn’t. As long as you focus on correcting the don’ts and improving the do’s, everything’s good.
Get feedback on your behavior, work practices and ethics. Ask your colleagues and boss about your skills – where could you improve, writing skills maybe? Check on them at least once a month and take on new projects to exert those skills and improve them. For example, see some essay writing service reviews when you’re specializing in IT, where there is no direct connection with the content writing. It can only broaden your perspective and sharpen your mind.

Improve your performance

Improving your work performance could be an outcome of the actions that you’re taking towards your goal, but it could also be a mindset. If you know that you can succeed, then prove it to yourself by increasing work performance. Some of the ways in which you could do that:
Set milestones on all of your projects to stay organized.

  • Plan and prioritize your work accordingly to stay on top of it.
  • Plan your meetings effectively.
  • Get those difficult assignments out of the way first.
  • Eliminate disruptions.
  • Have a well-defined schedule.
  • Acknowledge your weaknesses and strengths.
  • Finish what you started.
  • Get promoted

If getting promoted is on your bucket list, now it’s the time to plan it out. Applying for a promotion can be random but it’s definitely more effective when prepared for. After you’ve completed your desired training and got your certificates, you can start thinking about getting promoted. Make a list of all the projects you’ve accomplished, don’t forget to mention how essential you are to the team (performance metrics!), and show how many new skills you’ve learned. Make sure you know WHY you want a promotion – what is the reason behind it? Personal development is, for example, a really good one. Remember, only those excited can lead!


You must already know that improving your networking skills can increase your chances of accessing new opportunities. If you can begin to network ahead of time, you will be able to have quite a wide range of new contacts before changing careers or applying for a promotion. The best way to network is by attending conferences, professional development events, and being present on social media (especially LinkedIn), EssayWritingLand advises. LinkedIn can actually be one of the best ways to reach out to people, especially during the pandemic!

Enhance your communication skills

Delivering clear information is crucial to advancing professionally. So it’s receiving it. Thus, consider enhancing your communication an essential goal. You could sign up for public speaking classes or debate courses. You could also take notes on how to deliver better PowerPoint presentations. Verbal communication should be your first goal; but that doesn’t mean you should forget about your writing skills.

Making sure your e-mails and letters are error-free is important. It will show professionalism and might increase your chances of getting promoted even more. Keep your content concise and use professional writing tools to stay on track.

Learn to collaborate

Learning to collaborate with your colleagues is another important objective to keep in mind. Working adequately within a team shows your advisor that he or she can depend on you. If you are, for example, working on a project right now, taking initiative would be priceless. You could start organizing the meetings and discussing the progress with your team as well as your boss. Make sure you listen to everyone carefully and thoroughly. If you disregard someone’s view from the very first start and then offer your opinion, that conversation will not be productive.

Volunteer to learn something new

We’ve already discussed this but learning a new skill is essential to your progress. If you work in the advertising industry, teaching yourself a new programming skill can be super valuable. It shows an ability to embrace the new and take on challenges. It also shows courage and determination, as well as strong willpower!


Your goals are an important part of career development, so make sure you set them right. The above goals are just some examples, but feel free to come with new ones if you feel like it. Integrate these new habits into your routine and then, watch it happening. Good luck!

About the Author

StrategyDriven Expert Contributor | Tiffany HarperTiffany Harper is a training guru who’s been working in the corporate sector for over a decade now. She is a management graduate and loves to share her experience through blogs and articles. If you want to find an essay writing service in the UK, she also provides some freelance help with lab report writing service. If you need a consultation from a trustworthy source like, Tiffany is your go-to.

How To Prevent Cybercrime Hurting Your Business

StrategyDriven Risk Management Article |Cybercrime|How To Prevent Cybercrime Hurting Your BusinessA relatively short time ago, cybercrime wasn’t an issue. It wasn’t even a word. Yet as technology has increased and we have become ever more reliant on the internet to run our daily lives and, of course, our businesses, cybercrime, cyberattacks, and hackers, are now something we have to protect ourselves and others from on a daily basis.

If a cybercriminal were able to infiltrate your business, they could do untold damage financially and to the company’s structure itself. Whether they hack your network for monetary gain or just to cause havoc, the result would be the same; your business would be hurt; possibly mortally so. This is why it is absolutely crucial to do everything you can to prevent this from happening. Here are some ways it can be done.

Use The Cloud

The cloud is a virtual storage space for important documents and sensitive information. It is exceptionally secure, much more so than a laptop or mobile device could ever be, and this means it is the ideal place to keep your most valuable data such as your customers’ payment details, their names and addresses, and your business banking information.

If you can store everything on the cloud, your business will be as secure as possible. Only those with passwords should be able to access your cloud account. Since the data is encrypted, even if someone did manage to get in, they wouldn’t be able to retrieve the information, rendering it entirely useless.

Strong Passwords

Regarding passwords, you will need to have a different password for every log in you have. This might be an irritation because you’ll have to remember several different passwords, but it’s much better than having just one password which, if it were to be compromised, would mean that absolutely everything you log into online would be at risk too. This would include your business information and even your personal financial information.

When you are creating passwords, they must be strong so that no one can guess them or hack them. To create a strong password, you will need a combination of letters, numbers, and symbols, and you should use upper and lower case. Make it a rule to change your passwords every six months or after ten logins to ensure they stay safe and secure.


Data encryption is another way to prevent any cyberattacks from being successful. When data is encrypted, it becomes impossible to read and is useless to anyone unless they have the encryption key. Since a cybercriminal wouldn’t have this, even if your laptop or mobile device were stolen, or if you lost a USB stick with all this data on it, no one else would be able to see it.

Encryption is one of the most critical elements of online security, but it can often be overlooked. Implementing it within your business gives you and your clients an additional layer of protection that really can make all the difference.

How to Make the Most Of Your Entrepreneurial Talents

StrategyDriven Entrepreneurship Article |Entrepreneurial Talent| How to Make the Most Of Your Entrepreneurial TalentsThere are some people that just seem to be drawn to entrepreneurial life. There’s just something inside of them that makes starting and running a business a highly attractive proposition. But of course, just because you may be drawn that way, that doesn’t necessarily mean that things will be easy. In fact, they’re certain to be anything but easy! Business, after all, is far from a walk in the park. There are things you can do that’ll allow you to make the most of your talents, however. In this blog, we’ll take a look at some useful tips that’ll lead to just that.

Follow the Passion

You’ll find that everything connected to running your business is much more straightforward if you’re doing something that you inherently enjoy. Though it can be tempting to start a business that you might think will make money flow your way, it’ll be better to select something that’s related to an interest of yours. For starters, this will probably cut down on the amount of time you have to research your industry, since you’ll already know a lot. It’ll also give you that extra motivation, and help when the going gets tough, as it surely will at some stage.

An Inch of Courage

We tend to look at successful entrepreneurs and just assume that they had the skills and talents to get to where they got to. They were always destined to reach the top, is what we think. But actually, this isn’t the case. Though it’s often overlooked, one of the key factors that unite all successful entrepreneurs — actually all successful people — is that they had the courage to make it happen. Unless you’re born to wealthy parents, nothing is given to you on a plate: you have to earn it. And in order to step up and make things happen, you’ll need to have some courage. You don’t need to have it in spades, but at least a little bit!

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Find Your Rhythm

Even if you think you’re ready to start your own company after a period of being a regular employee, it’ll still take some time to adjust to the new way of doing things. You’ll have had your established rhythms at your workspace when you worked for a company. Now that you’re on your own, those rhythms will have disappeared — and it’ll be up to you to make your own, new ones. It’s important that you conduct a bit of self-analysis and figure out when and how you work best. It could be that you prefer to be in a busy working environment, or that you prefer to work in silence. Once you’ve figured out which is your preferred method, you’ll find that you’re able to make more progress than if you were trying to work in ways that feel uncomfortable.

Start the Day Well

It won’t be long before you realize that working as an entrepreneur is not the same as working as a regular employee. You’ll have to work harder and for longer when you’re running your own company. As such, it’s important that you take time to ensure that your energy levels and capabilities are at the highest level that they can be. While there are many different ways to do this, one of the best and most simple to enact is to start the day right. You’ll find that you’re able to make much more progress if you have a morning routine that pushes you towards delivering your best work. This all begins with, of course, getting a good night’s sleep. You should try to wake up well in advance of when you need to leave your house, and try to get some exercise in. A short run, cold shower, and nutritious and energetic breakfast will set you up for a great day at the office.

Trust Other People

One of the myths of entrepreneurial life is that people do things on their own. This is virtually never true. Every successful business owner has had to make the most of other people’s help. As such, one of the best things you can do for your business is to learn how to trust other people (that is if you’ve previously had issues with this). This is especially relevant when it comes to hiring your first employees. If all you want to do is micromanage them, then you’ll be doing your business a disservice. It’s much better to hire well and then trust that your members of staff will deliver top of the line work for your company.

StrategyDriven Entrepreneurship Article |Entrepreneurial Talent| How to Make the Most Of Your Entrepreneurial TalentsOpen to Criticism

You’re going to know a lot. You’re going to have successes. But you’ll also make mistakes and take missteps. This in itself isn’t a major issue; every company in the world gets things wrong from time to time. What counts is whether you’re willing to accept that you’ve made a mistake, and take criticism from other people. There are many business owners out there that have pretty thin-skin. They take everything personally! But this will only cause trouble at some point or another (wouldn’t Tesla be better if Elon Musk could just let things go?). Instead, accept that you don’t know everything, and be humble enough to know that sometimes, other people will know better. It’s an approach that’ll take you far in life.

Lighten Your Load

Even if you hire employees to help you, you’ll still have a lot of responsibilities on your plate. But do they all need to be on your plate? Probably not. Not only would it be better to outsource the tasks to other people because it’ll free up your time to work on other tasks, by handing the job over to experts, but you’ll also ultimately strengthen your company. They’ll be able to do a better job than you could, after all. There are some jobs where it just makes sense to hand over to someone else. A company like CalTech Web can take care of your web design, so you don’t have to. Other tasks to outsource include your payroll, marketing, and legal matters. Once these time consuming and complicated tasks are off your plate, you’ll find that you have much more time to work on the jobs that help push your business forward.

Strengths and Weaknesses

As we mentioned earlier: you’re going to have a degree of confidence that you can run a business if you decide to become an entrepreneur. It would be weird if you didn’t! But it’s not as if you’re going to know everything, or even close to it. There are some jobs where it’ll be better to bow to superior knowledge. The difficult part is knowing which is which. In the early days of your entrepreneurial career, it’s recommended that you conduct an analysis of your strengths and weaknesses. This will highlight the areas that you should be in charge of, what others should do, and where you need to improve. And talking of which….

Continue to Improve

You’re not the finished article when you become an entrepreneur. Actually, you’re really just getting started along your journey. Though you’re the boss, don’t forget that there will still be areas in which you improve. And so make sure that you are. Whatever weaknesses you have, you’ll find that there are courses and other materials available that can help you to improve that aspect of your professional life. Think of it this way: it was your open-mind and willingness to learn that got you into a position where you could start a business in the first place. Don’t turn your back on that tactic just because you’ve technically started a business.

Find a Mentor

You’re at the beginning of your new career as an entrepreneur. While you’ll learn a lot on the job, there’s no denying that it would be pretty useful to have some of the lessons under your belt at the beginning. For that, it’s recommended that you find a mentor. This will be an older person who has been there, done that — and who will thus have plenty of wisdom to share with you. They won’t necessarily help you with the running of your company (though they might), but rather offer general advice about how you can achieve success, the habits you need to have, things like that. If you can’t think of anyone who would be your mentor, then you could consider reading the books and podcasts of successful people. There’s always a lot to learn in those!


As we said at the beginning of the article, running a company will never be easy. Even when things are going well, there’ll be challenges on the horizon that you’ll need to overcome. But it’s not as if you need to just go along for the ride. There are things you can do that’ll help you to make the most of your inherent talents. Take the tips that we’ve outlined above, and you’ll find that you’re in a pretty strong position to achieve great things with your company.

Running a Business Can Take a Toll on Your Mental Health

StrategyDriven Entrepreneurship Article |Running a business|Running a Business Can Take a Toll on Your Mental HealthDue to COVID and widespread job loss, many people have decided to become entrepreneurs and start their own business. It’s a great idea to go to work for yourself and build your own dream, but unfortunately, many of these people don’t know what they are getting into and quickly find themselves stressed out, depressed and overwhelmed.

What if it didn’t have to be this way? How can these new entrepreneurs build their new businesses while staying mentally healthy? It is very doable if done right.

Hedge the downsides

You’ve probably heard the hype: Entrepreneurship equals freedom. Starting a business is the fastest way to build wealth. Build the life of your dreams. Unfortunately, it’s the biggest lie out there. The truth is that all of these things can happen, but it’s not so easy. You need to have realistic expectations otherwise you’re going to be quickly disappointed, stressed and depressed when you realize how much work is really involved to run a successful business.

Care enough for people not to fail

If failure tends to get the best of you, you might want to avoid entrepreneurship because it is filled with failure in the traditional sense. In fact, you could say the most successful entrepreneurs are really just professional failures who keep trying. But ultimately, you can relieve any stress, anxiety and depression around failure by caring so much for people that in essence, you never fail. If you show people that you genuinely care and go to bat for them all the time, you’ll never be a failure.

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Be adaptable

If you don’t adapt to change well, you might want to avoid entrepreneurship. In business, things are constantly changing. For people who like the same routine day in and day out, your emotions might start to get the best of you when you realize that running a business is filled with new and different challenges every day. Learn to accept change and don’t let it get the best of you.

Find a healthy outlet

Unfortunately, when it comes to depression, anxiety and other negative emotions, many entrepreneurs feel as if they need to appear strong and in control. As a result, they hold it all in and this makes it worse, leads to drug and alcohol abuse, and in severe cases even suicide. The sooner you can address your mental health, the better the outcome.

Focus on your health

All the success in business is meaningless if you’re not healthy enough to enjoy it. Entrepreneurship is hard work and will take a toll on your mind and body. Make your health a priority and eat a healthy diet, get plenty of exercise, get enough quality sleep, find time to relax, drink plenty of water and don’t overextend yourself.

Have a big solution

Deciding to become an entrepreneur is commendable, but you need to have real solutions for people otherwise everything is going to go astray. After all, business is all about soling people’s problems. The more problems you solve for them, the more money you make. After that, you can put your mental health at ease by answering some very important questions: How are you going to get clients? Do you need to hire employees? How will you handle cash flow and bookkeeping? Are you willing to wear multiple hats and work the long hours to build the business? Start with a solution to people’s problems, then follow up with a solid business plan.

The takeaway

Starting a business is definitely a great idea in these times when so many people are out of work and simply trying to make ends meet. It can yield great wealth, immense satisfaction and a totally different lifestyle for you and your family. Just make sure you know what you are getting into and that it’s not as easy as some people portray it to be. Entrepreneurs, in particular, need to take precautions to protect their mental health and take care of themselves.

About the Author

StrategyDriven Expert Contributor |Dr. Alok TrivediDr. Alok Trivedi is a health, human behavior and national stress reduction expert. He is founder of The Aligned Performance Institute and author of the book ‘Chasing Success.’