
3 Reasons to Be Careful about the Companies You Do Business With

StrategyDriven Managing Your Business Article | 3 Reasons to Be Careful about the Companies You Do Business With | Entrepreneurship | Risk ManagementIn business, there are all kinds of different things that you need to be mindful of, and cautious about. It’s certainly the case that you need to invest your money wisely, and if you’re operating in the wrong niche, that in and of itself can be lethal.

Perhaps one of the biggest pitfalls that a new entrepreneur can fall into, however, is getting in bed with the wrong business partners, or becoming a bit too embroiled in shady dealings, alongside unscrupulous companies.

Certain businesses are likely to be a boon to you, if you work with them. A company that is focused on protecting the rights of maritime workers, and that is run ethically by an upright and reputable individual, is unlikely to cause you trouble if you happen to be in partnership with them.

Other companies, on the other hand, can ruin you by association.

Here are a few reasons to be careful about the company you keep in business.

You may get exploited and dragged down directly

The first risk that you face when doing business with an unscrupulous company, is that they exploit and drag you down directly.

It’s not unheard of for devious business partners to use fairly naïve entrepreneurs as “fall guys” for schemes that are fundamentally based on misrepresentation, and exploitation of the customer. In such cases as these, you might find yourself being contractually listed as the responsible party when things go wrong.

Other forms of exploitation are even more blatant – and involve things like the direct theft of your unsecured intellectual property.

Your reputation can be permanently tarnished by working with an unscrupulous company

In business, reputation is a big deal, and if you sink yours by associating yourself with deeply disreputable companies, it’s entirely possible – if not even likely – that you will never be able to recover, professionally.

Plenty of people find their reputations completely destroyed, not necessarily because of something they did, but because they got too close to assorted sketchy companies, and were painted with the same brush when things eventually came to a head.

Avoid this situation altogether, because trying to do damage control can be a real pain.

By being inattentive, and complacent, you may end up in a position where you compromise your own moral code

This is actually the most important point in the list, although it comes last in the article.

Plenty of companies act in ways that will violate various people’s moral codes and standards. Of course, living by a moral code, and being forthright and accountable to your own values, is perhaps the most important thing in life.

Without character, you have nothing.

Just by being inattentive, and complacent, you may end up in a position where you absentmindedly or unknowingly compromise your own moral code, by your choice of collaborator.

It’s very hard to regain self-respect if you come to find that a company you are closely working with has ruined the lives of your joint customers or clients through their immoral or reckless actions.

Ideas For Keeping Your Small Business Protected Online

StrategyDriven Managing Your Business Article | Entrepreneurship | Cybersecurity | Risk Management | Ideas For Keeping Your Small Business Protected Online These days you’re likely doing a lot of business and performing your tasks online. While the Internet can be an extremely beneficial way to run your company, it also comes with its downsides.

One cause for concern is being vulnerable to hackers and those who wish to sabotage your files and business. The following ideas are going to help you learn and understand what you can be doing better at your workplace to protect your small business online. This is one subject matter you want to take seriously and attend to if you wish to keep your company free from any unfortunate situations that will be difficult to clean up later on.

Educate Yourself and Be Current

One idea for keeping your small business protected online is to educate yourself on the topic. Be current about knowing what anti-virus programs to use, what backups to perform and when and getting to know your computers better so you can make sure they’re consistently running smoothly. The more you know about IT maintenance, the less of a chance there will be that your business will fall victim to hackers and wrongdoers. You put yourself at risk for negative consequences when you choose not to learn more about online security and what you can be doing better to improve it at your workplace.

Hire Help

Another great idea is to hire help and pay for the professionals to assist you on the matter such as using a Managed IT service. The reality is there’s a lot of information in this area you’re not going to know and will need assistance with if you want to make sure your business is protected online. You likely have other pressing matters and initiatives to attend to and can’t always be in the know about what’s new in the IT world. Invest in using a third party to help you make sure you’re doing all you can to keep yourselves safe on the Internet.

Use Strong Passwords

Never underestimate the advantages of using strong passwords to protect your computers and files. Keep your small business protected online by committing to using passwords that would make it difficult for someone else to hack into your information. Create ones that are challenging and complex, but also update your current passwords often so that it makes it harder for someone else to guess it or compromise your data.

Provide Best Practices to Your Employees

It’s not only your job to make sure your business is protected online, but also that of your employees. However, they may not be aware of how important this matter is or how to go about doing so unless you inform them. Provide best practices your employees can use to make sure their laptops and files are secure. For example, educate them about not clicking suspicious looking links, following through and complying with computer updates and who to ask or turn to should they have online security questions.

Installing A Business Phone System

StrategyDriven Managing Your Business Article |Telephone systems|Installing A Business Phone SystemYou can bet your bottom dollar that there are barely any businesses in the UK that do not use digital methods and platforms throughout their practises and procedures. It is simply remarkable to look at how business has developed. This relates to companies as a whole and their general practises. Everyday life in the office is a lot different compared to what it used to be. And, one of the main reasons for this is because of the surge in technology. From marketing to standard data entry – the methods of doing so have changed drastically. One area that has experienced a significant shift is the telephone systems businesses utilise. In this blog post, we will discover everything you need to know about telephone systems today and getting the right one installed.

Telephone systems are indispensable for all businesses. After all, they are needed in order to take orders, to answer customer queries, to refer people to different departments, to contact different departments for information, to order new stock, and so on and so forth. Telephone systems are integral tools in the successful communication and day to day running of any company. However, telephone systems are not what they once were. This means that if you take advantage of telephone engineers in your area then you can take your business to the next level with state of the art technology.

Many years ago a company’s telephone system simply revolved around one phone per every desk. In some advanced companies they may be connected to the receptionist. But this was it. Nowadays things could not be more different. The number of lines, extensions, and other tools available are colossal. Telephone systems no longer stand alone; they are more an integrated tool in the IT department of your business. This is because the most recent systems are actually as much based on computers as they are telephones.

This does not simply relate to the different features the telephones boast, but it also relates to the fact that telephone systems can now be hosted on the internet as well. This means that companies can run all of their phone calls and alike through a desktop computer for example. Why would people do this? Well, in some circumstances this can be a lot cheaper. Another reason is because computers offer a lot more space for saving phone calls and other data.

The features that are available are truly remarkable as well. Read this on how to leave a voicemail without calling and you will find out about one of the many incredible features we are referring to. This enables you to send a voicemail directly to a potential customer’s phone box, rathering than calling them. Customers hate cold calls and they will usually ignore them, and any voicemail that comes with it, and so this is a great way to get around it.

This integration between computers and telephone systems represents the heightened need for companies to have contact with top telephone engineers in your area. You need to have professionals readily available should anything falter with your system. Moreover, you need to seek top quality telephone engineers in the first place in order to reduce the chances of anything unfortunate happening. You simply need to look out for engineers who can offer you on the spot assistance and aid, and those who also have a credible and glistening reputation as well.

How to find the right company for installation

There is no denying the monumental role communication plays in the world of business. Your company’s telephone system is integral to this. Nonetheless, you should not make the mistake that many have before you by thinking that buying a good business telephone system will merely rely on the hardware. Of course it is imperative that you buy a high quality telephone system made by a reputable brand. Nevertheless, finding the right telephone system suppliers in your area is just as important. After all, you need to ensure the system is installed properly. Moreover, it needs to be programmed and tailor made in order to suit your business specifically. And not only that, once everything is up and running you will require an aftercare and maintenance option. At the end of the day, you need the company to be on hand should any problems occur.

First and foremost you need to begin your search by embarking in a bit of research. Ask around and find out what your friends and owners of other businesses are using. They will be able to advise you as to whether the company is a reputable one and whether they live up to their claims or not. Couple this with a quick search of reviews online as well. This will give you a well-rounded view as to whether companies are genuine and of a high quality. Once you have a list of credible businesses you can then begin to narrow down your search for telephone system suppliers in your area further.

When determining the worth of a company you will begin by establishing what they can offer you in terms of different telephone systems and the installation process. Assess all of the different service packages that are available in order to ensure there is one you are happy with. After you have done this you can then work on how this is going to be integrated into your business; how many lines you need, how many extensions you need, what features are going to be of use to you, and so on and so forth. It is recommended that you ask the installers to give you a quick demonstration of the telephone system before they leave so that you are not left to your own devices.

However, whilst the initial installation may be important, it is actually the aftercare that is even more imperative. You need to be certain that the company can fix any problems immediately. If they can do so remotely and if they have an emergency back-up plan in place then this is extremely beneficial. After all, every minute the phone lines are down more and more customers are being lost. Make sure you have a thorough understanding of the troubleshooting and repair service they boast. At the end of the day, telephones are like any other gadget, and thus they have the possibility to break from time to time. You need to be prepared for this.

The telephone system suppliers you select are just as important as the hardware, if not more so. Make sure you pay a lot of attention to finding the best telephone system suppliers in your area so that you do not experience any issues in the future.

To conclude, telephone systems are crucial to all businesses today. However, they are not the same as they once were. The possibilities they possess have enhanced dramatically and phone systems are now very much related with computers and internet technology. Therefore you need a great telephone engineer company at hand to ensure everything runs optimally at all times. We hope that the advice that has been provided in this article will assist you when it comes to getting your telephone system right at your business.

3 Things That You Should Consider Outsourcing

As a business owner, there are many decisions that you have to make, and one of them is whether you outsource or not. Whilst some people are outsourcing converts – and get most of their work done by external companies – others are a little more skeptical, and would prefer to have control over every part of their business in-house. Whilst this is understandable, there are a range of benefits of outsourcing, and if you’re not utilizing it in your business, then you could be missing out on saving money, and having the job done, well… better by somebody else.

We’ve put together a list of 3 things that you should consider outsourcing in your business.

StrategyDriven Managing Your Business Article | Entrepreneurship | Outsourcing | 3 Things That You Should Consider Outsourcing
1. Your social media management

Social media seems like something that would be easy to manage yourself, because all you have to do is post out a few updates every now and again, to make sure that you’re drawing people in across the various platforms. However, getting social media right is actually a lot more complex than that, and outsourcing it means that you’ll be able to benefit due to those professionals that know the algorithms, and what works. On top of this, it’s actually harder than you think to come up with a few things a week to post, especially when you’ve got to think up those ideas that will cause a good reaction. Leave it to the professionals!

2. Your IT security

OK, so pretty much every business out there uses IT in some way, and we all enjoy the benefits that it brings us. After all, are there any people out there who aren’t checking their emails at least 50 times a day now? As people – and business owners – we are IT obsessed, but security is a complex and difficult thing to manage. Even if you’ve got somebody in-house to deal with issues such as networking monitoring, the truth is that most external cybersecurity companies are a lot more advanced, which means that you’ll be facing less problems in the long-run. It will probably be cheaper than hiring somebody in-house, too.

3. Your admin

When it comes to admin, there is arguably nothing more boring than dealing with these things. Whilst you want to be getting on with that good stuff, it’s pretty annoying that your phone is constantly ringing, and that you’re being bombarded with emails left, right, and center. There’s nothing that you can do about this though, right? You’ll be pleased to hear that you can get a virtual reception, where people answer your phone calls, and even deal with your mail, for you. This is ideal for those who can’t afford full-time admin staff, and it’s great if you just want to get rid of some of the pressure of office life.

So, if you want to take those first steps into the world of outsourcing, then consider handing over these 3 things to the professionals. You’ll be glad that you did when you’re saving yourself a lot of time, and money, in the process!

4 Areas Your Business Should Be Focusing On This Year

StrategyDriven Business Performance Assessment Program Article | Business Performance Improvement | 4 Areas Your Business Should Be Focusing On This YearThe reality is that if you try to take on too much at once with your business, this approach may backfire on you. It’s better to focus in on a few essential initiatives than it is to spread yourself too thin and, in turn, end up accomplishing nothing.

There are four areas in particular that your business should highly consider concentrating on this year if you want to experience more success. Take time to review the following ideas and then think about which areas you’re performing well and which ones could use more of your time and attention so that you can come up with a plan of action for moving forward.

1. Customer Satisfaction

Customer satisfaction is one area you definitely want to focus on this year if you’re going to run a better business. It’s important to collect feedback and track your customer service performance, so you know exactly how you’re doing. The happier your customers are, the more likely it is that your business will receive positive reviews online and that consumers will start talking about you with each other and spreading the word about why it’s a wise choice to do business with you.

2. Health & Safety Obligations

Additionally, commit to following health and safety protocol and running a safer business this year. You’ll avoid unwanted situations this way and be able to retain your employees because they’ll feel safe and protected coming to work each day. Properly ventilate and extract dust and waste by using products from Integrated Air Systems to help you achieve this goal. This way, you’ll reduce the risk of equipment breaking down or someone getting sick or hurt because of unsafe working conditions.

3. Employee Retention

Another area your business should be focusing on this year has to do with employee retention. The truth is that people are more willing to change jobs these days if they’re unhappy at their current employer. Keep your employees satisfied and motivated by assigning them challenging tasks and rewarding them fairly for their efforts. Be willing to gather feedback from and listen to your employees so you can create an even more attractive work environment.

4. Innovation

Your business should also be concentrating on how to innovate your products or services in the upcoming year. Going along with business as usual might be the easy answer, but it’s not what’s going to help you stay relevant or get ahead of your competitors. Hold brainstorming sessions with your employees and use your creativity to come up with new solutions that are impressive and newsworthy.


Achieve better results with your business this year when you’re focusing on improving in the right areas. Use these tips to help you set more specific goals about what it is you wish to accomplish and what challenges you need to overcome in the future. Start by coming up with a plan of action and then writing down specific details about how you’ll properly execute each objective.