
5 Digital Marketing Strategies to Put Your Power Tool Company on the Map

StrategyDriven Online Marketing and Website Development Article | 5 Digital Marketing Strategies to Put Your Power Tool Company on the MapYou want to take over the power tool market but if you don’t have the best digital marketing strategies in place, your competition is going to leave you in the dust. Your company needs to put together a digital marketing plan vs. just putting up a couple of posts on social media every now and again.

Continue reading this article to learn five digital marketing strategies that are going to help your business go to the next level.

Must-Know Digital Marketing Strategies

When you’re trying to promote your power tool company, the following strategies will help you get started. As people learn more about how power tools work and how they help people, they’ll be more interested in investing in them and doing business with you.

Here are some ways to get the word out online.

1. SEO

SEO stands for search engine optimization and means that you do everything you can to make Google and other search engine choose your website to show in the search results. There is a lot that goes into SEO but once you get in the good graces of the search engines, you can pull in a lot of highly targeted search traffic.

2. Content Marketing

Content marketing is a great way to let your potential customers get to know you. When you deliver high-quality content that helps them with a problem they have, you become someone they see as a problem solver and may choose to do business with you when they need your product or service.

Content marketing might include blog posts, podcasts, whitepapers, ebooks and more.

3. Social Media Marketing

Getting the word out about your business online through social media can be an inexpensive way to get some serious exposure. With social media marketing, people are able to share your content with their friends and you can get a lot of reach that way.

4. Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing is becoming more popular because of its effectiveness. Even influencers with small audiences can help you get a lot of attention and sales for your business. If an influencer recommends your products and services, their audience is likely to at least take a good look at what you have to offer.

5. Remarketing

Remarketing is a powerful way to get back in front of people that recently showed interest in your products. They may have triggered the remarketing campaign on Facebook but when they go over to Instagram, they might see your ad on that platform. Most people don’t buy anything the first time they see it so remarketing is very important.

Get More Help for Your Business

Now that you know more about these digital marketing strategies, you can get to work on your business promotion online. Why stop learning about business there? We have many articles that will help you level up your business.

Browse our site, find your favorite section, drop a bookmark and come back soon for more great reads.

Digital Marketing Mantra for Advertisers

StrategyDriven Online Marketing and Website Development Article, Digital Marketing Mantra for Advertisers

Digital marketing is slowly, but surely growing from a “nice to have” to a necessity. With so many audiences, especially the younger ones, moving away from linear television, barely touching newspapers or magazines and with their heads down into their phones even out on the streets, it seems that the only sensible place advertisers can find their audiences now is in the online space. This is driving advertisers to adapt and form digital media strategies, but media practices from the offline world don’t translate well to the online world.

Out with the Old

Where you used to define personas and find the right publication or TV programme that fit your audience, it seems that these rules don’t apply to the online world. Your audience is out there on multiple places, consuming different media, sometimes even at the same time, with each moment of interaction you have just a small window of opportunity, sometimes even barely a second. To be successful in advertising in the online marketing space, you will need to connect all the dots and deal with the complexity (and maybe even ambiguity) of the online marketing world. Moreover, that’s asking for quite a bit, which most likely can’t be found in one person or advertising agency.
No Buyers, Only Specialists Here

The problem is the balance between the complexity of online marketing disciplines and the way the market moves on. Where you used to be dealing with media buyers (people who would take care of booking media buys, placing the advert, handle the back and forth between the publisher and the creative agency), you now must deal with channel specialists. These people are professionals in their field but usually are not trained to guide a client through connecting all the dots. Even channels that seemingly should be close to each other are, under further inspection, fundamentally different. Advertisers who have been dealing with digital agencies will mostly agree not to expect agencies to be able to provide a consistent overall media view, as you would have had with offline media agencies. The most practical way as an advertiser to take care of your digital marketing mix is to take the reins themselves. That doesn’t mean to do it yourself (although in-housing seems to be a trend of late) but to start speaking the same language as the digital marketers.

Measure Everything

This also means understanding and challenged its most hailed aspects of digital marketing, which inadvertently is also its downfall, the ability to measure everything. Traditional media would have panel data to provide some insight into what the effect the media buy would have had (by proxy), online media comes with the promise to be able to measure everything. In digital speak, we call this tracking, which relies on “pixels being fired” and “cookies.” Essentially this means that advertisers (and publishers that help the advertisers) try to provide the most complete of the consumer based on data they might have volunteered and data that can be inferred. Pixels and cookies provide a bread crumb trail to piece this all together. Apart from the ethical and privacy issues at play here, this sounds to most advertisers as the holy grail, to be able to pay for only those audiences and people that fit your audience perfectly.


However, that attention to measuring everything can turn into an obsession. Take display and video ad formats, for example. On pretty much every publisher, these are ad formats that are offered up widely. Videos have taken a flight by being offered in-stream, which basically means its tacked in upfront or in the middle of a video that someone is trying to watch. You can have a skippable or un-skippable variant, and most publishers offer a cost-per-view model based on percentage or minimal seconds watched.

In most cases, the video is an unwanted interruption of someone’s flow, which in turn leads to very few people engaging with the advert and ending up on the advertiser’s website. Display ads have the same problem, although in a lesser extent (but just barely). The display banners show up as a distraction when someone is doing something else and might not be in the mindset to engage with an advertiser. Both video and display ads will usually have a lot of impressions (the advert was shown) but not many interactions. To still proof value, the industry has come up with a metric called view-through conversions. This essentially measures if a conversion has taken place after someone has viewed the ad, usually within a specific timeframe.

Last click wins

On the other side of display and video ads, you have many pay-per-click possibilities. One of the key ones here is paid search ads. It’s dominant in such a way that most people refer to paid search ads as PPC ads, although the concept of PPC refers to the method of publisher payment (for example display ads can be on a CPC model). This is, for most advertisers, the absolute darling of digital marketing. PPC in 99% of all cases all the way down in the marketing funnel, i.e., likely the last interaction before a consumer makes a purchase.

Even more so, those display and video adverts could very well have been earlier in the process and led to a PPC click. Paid search ads are usually measured on the last click wins method, which is standard across most advertisers. The last click wins will not add up with a post-view conversion, attributing all value to PPC and making a post-view conversion meaningless. Therefore, especially when marketing budgets are getting the squeeze, display, and video ads lose out.

The Mantra for Advertisers

The risk you run of this principle is that all the attention is going to PPC and none is given to display and video. In other words, all the attention goes to the bottom of the funnel and none to filling up the funnel. Advertisers who do this find themselves with diminishing returns over time and a drying up supply of new users to the website. The savvy advertiser understands the value of harvesting the low hanging fruit but always ensures that consumers keep coming through the funnel, by smartly filling it up from the top.

Top 5 Facebook ads strategies for ecom or dropshipping

StrategyDriven Online Marketing and Website Development Article | Top 5 Facebook ads strategies for ecom or dropshipping | Facebook Ads | EntrepreneurshipIf you are looking forward to boost the popularity of your dropshipping business and get more orders, you must take a look at Facebook marketing. In fact, Facebook paid advertisements are in a position to provide outstanding results to you. At Strategy Driven, our favourite course for ecommerce is Franklin Hatchett’s ecom elites course. The ecom elites review on goes into great detail as to why you should buy the course.  As an alternative, you can also work with Facebook advertising agencies.

As the first thing, you need to understand that Facebook advertising is completely different from Google advertising. If you are familiar with Google advertising, you will not be able to apply the same strategies in here to end up with positive outcomes. You must be aware about the specific strategies, which can help you gain positive results in Facebook.

Here is a list of 5 such effective Facebook ads strategies that you can follow for dropshipping or ecommerce. All these strategies can provide amazing returns to you and you will be able to go ahead with any out of them.

1. Make sure that you create a sense of exclusivity

Facebook is all about exclusivity. Therefore, you need to make sure that your advertisements on Facebook are also in a position to create a sense of exclusivity. This can provide you with a clear advantage by being on a social media network such as Facebook. You should always provide exclusive content via the Facebook ads. This can consume a lot of time and effort. But when you compare it with the returns that you get, you will be able to have a clear idea about the benefits that come on your way.

2. Highlight before and after

In the Facebook advertisements, you need to highlight the conditions that exist before a specific action and the conditions that exist after a specific action. No matter what kind of a product you are trying to promote with Facebook, you need to take it out of the box and snap a photo to be uploaded to Facebook. Then you need to snap another similar photo after you use the product. Both these photos should be combined and uploaded on Facebook.

For example, assume that you are going to sell running shoes through your ecommerce store. The first thing you need to do is to take out the running shoes, keep them along with the wrapping and then capture a photo. Then you need to take another photo, which indicates a person wearing the running shoes. This photo should be taken with a nice background behind it. If you can follow this strategy, you will be able to get the best possible results out of your Facebook advertisements.

3. Receive benefits from the fame of your competitors

When you are promoting a dropshipping or an ecommerce business on Facebook, you need to pay special attention towards the competition. However, you will be able to take advantage from the fame of your competitors.

Many people worry that having famous and reputed competitors is a disadvantage. That’s because people often tend to go ahead with the brands that they can easily recognize. However, you will be able to talk about those recognizing brands and then tell that there is something even more interesting and better. With that approach, you can promote your product. This will provide you with a better opportunity to grab the attention of your audience.

All you have to do is to upload a post with information related to the product offered by your competitor. Inside the post, you can promote your product according to the above-mentioned approach.

4. Highlight the contrast

You must be selling variant or customizable products through your ecommerce store. In such a situation, you need to make sure that you upload Facebook advertisements, which highlight the contrast between them and the ordinary products available in the market.

You can even do with the help of exact same shoes as well. All you have to do is to introduce the different colors and textures, when your customer keeps on scrolling through. This can give life to an outstanding advertisement in the long run. It can also highlight all the variants that you have got for sale under your store as well.

However, you need to understand that it is not possible to receive effective results by paying attention only towards the colors. You should also take a look at the fonts and background colors as well. That’s where you need to think about handing this over to a professional designer. Then you can completely focus on promoting your dropshipping or ecommerce store on Facebook.

5. Create excitement about products on the minds of customers

Through Facebook advertisements, it is also possible for you to create excitement about your products in the minds of customers. You just need to think the most exciting moment for your customer would be in the product lifecycle. In most of the products, unboxing is the most exciting part. For that, you need to select a product and then promote it via Facebook advertisements. Due to the excitement that you create among customers, they will be tempted to visit the ecommerce store. As a result, you will be able to generate a significant income out of it as well. That’s because you can get more people from Facebook to purchase the product that you offer. It can create a positive impact on the other products available for your purchase in the ecommerce store as well.

Any ecommerce or dropshipping store owner will be able to follow these strategies. Then you can easily end up with outstanding results. You will also fall in love with Facebook advertisements due to the amazing returns that are offered to you in the long run.

Why Having a Website is Important for Your Business

StrategyDriven Online Marketing and Website Development Article |Website Design| Why Having a Website is Important for Your BusinessIf you haven’t yet got a website, you’re probably wondering what all the fuss is about. The truth is that you’re missing out on an amazing opportunity to market your business. To achieve any kind of success in the modern world of business, it’s imperative your company has an online presence in order to be visible to potential customers. If you think you’ve been doing alright so far without one, here is a list of the top benefits.

Your Business Will be More Accessible

Do you run a business with operating times from nine to five? How many times have you had to turn someone away because it’s time to close your doors? With an online website, your business is going to be accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You may well find people choose to visit your site rather than your business premises.

Build Better Relationships with Your Customers

It’s easy to build relationships with your customers if you’ve got a website. Your customers will also be able to review your products or services and leave feedback for potential customers to read. You’re going to be able to keep them informed of any special offers and share information they find useful.

Simple to Set Up

It is possible to set up a website quickly and easily thanks to the various online website builders you can use. If you offer a specialist service, however, you should take advantage of a professional website builder. JustLegal Marketing, for example, can design professional, expert websites for lawyers.

Improves Customer Service

A web presence allows you to enhance the customer service experience. Your customers can contact you any time of the night or day, raise questions, ask for advice or let you know what a fantastic service you’ve been able to provide. You’ll be able to react promptly to any issues, as well as keep them informed of your latest business news.

Able to Target a Larger Audience

If you have a storefront, your audience is limited to the people who might be passing by. Even if you use traditional advertising, such as magazine and newspaper adverts, or word-of-mouth, your reach is very limited. With a website, you’re able to reach people across the other side of the world if you want to.

Improves Business Credibility

It is now expected for a reputable company to have an online presence. Once upon a time, consumers would have been very suspicious of a business that didn’t have a telephone number or physical address. Nowadays, the same is true if a company doesn’t have a website. If your website is easy to use and of the best quality, consumers are going to feel more comfortable using your services.

Cuts Costs

One last benefit that’s going to be important for many of you is that a website allows you to cut costs. Because you can use your site to sell goods and services directly to consumers, there is no need for a bricks and mortar store. If you don’t need premises, you can slash your operating costs.

How To Create A Website That Will Impress Your Target Audience

StrategyDriven Online Marketing and Website Development Article | How To Create A Website That Will Impress Your Target AudienceA one-of-a-kind website is essential for impressing your target audience. Keep in mind that it is thanks to an audience that the goods and services your business offers are used.

Without an online presence, no one will know about your company’s mission, and nor will you stand to make any profit as a result of it. Thus, you need to have a website that allows you to market your brand properly, and leaves a strong impression on anyone that finds it.

The very first step is to hire individuals who are experts in web design and development. Moreover, you want to guarantee that it is user-friendly so that people can easily navigate it, and lastly remain consistent with the branding you set up for it. All of these tips will be further explained below.

With professional assistance

There are expert web designers for a reason, and they know exactly how to help you put together the ultimate website for your brand. There is no need to spend countless hours learning how to do it yourself from scratch.

You should also keep in mind there are certain agencies and individuals who specialize in your niche company needs. After all, if you are looking to grow your charity’s website, you want the assistance of a reputable company such as Charity Box, that knows exactly how to grow your specific brand.

Everything from the development and up-keep assistance can be tied back to hiring the best professionals for the task. More so, given that they are already knowledgeable on the subject, they have a good understanding over what has and has not worked for other companies in the past, and can reduce the amount of trial and error that you have to go through.

Ensure it is user-friendly

Is your website user-friendly? This can include the following factors:

  • Easy to navigate
  • Clear layout
  • Readable text
  • Simple payment methods

Imagine that an individual starts to browse your website, but they have a hard time understanding what you do. It could be that the layout is jumbled and disorganized, the text itself isn’t clear, among many other factors. Company reputation is important, and if people can’t spend more than 5 seconds on your site, you need to re-evaluate everything you put together thus far.

Remain consistent with your branding

Remaining consistent is also crucial to build stronger relations with your audience. Once enough time and marketing effort have been put into growing your company, people will start to recognize you even by simply seeing your business logo.

It is incredibly important that you don’t change courses out of the blue with your branding, as this will only confuse people and further ruin the relationship you built with them. All in all, your brand will suffer if you are not careful.

Remember, when you impress your target audience, you are also strengthening the relationship with those individuals. They will be so impressed with your content, that they will continue visiting your website to check for updates. You also want them to spread the word about your company, and the only way you can do this is if you create an online presence that is buzz-worthy.


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