StrategyDriven Marketing and Sales Article

Brand Identity: 5 Basic Steps You Need to Cover

McDonalds, Nike, Dominos Pizza, Chanel… What do these four have in common? Powerful brand identity. Because, chances are, you’ve heard of most of them, and there’s reason why. Just how powerful the brand? Let’s just say, according to this article, children recognize the fast food chain’s iconic logo before their own name. And, in 1998, […]

StrategyDriven Entrepreneurship Article

Every Strategy Is Different

Just like no two fingerprints are the same, no two businesses will be identical. There may only be minor differences, but these can make a big difference when it comes to planning a marketing strategy. What is right for one company can be totally the wrong thing for another, but sometimes you just have to […]

StrategyDriven Marketing and Sales Article

Implementing An Effective eCommerce Strategy: A Guide

You’ve done your research and decided that going branching out onto the worldwide web is the best decision for your business. But how do you actually go about implementing that? Building an online store and an eCommerce website requires a sophisticated content management system and a strategy that combines many separate elements. Not sure where […]

StrategyDriven Entrepreneurship Article

Forex Strategies That Still Work in 2018

One way that you can improve your chances of success in trading is to find a winning strategy and stick with it.

StrategyDriven Entrepreneurship Article

Reasons to Have a Newsletter

Although social media marketing is having its moment in the spotlight right now, email marketing is still very much a relevant and a powerful tool for your business to utilise. One way you can really take advantage of email marketing is via a newsletter, something which appears to be a dying trend. When you consider […]

StrategyDriven Organizational Performance Measures Article

Predictive Analytics Tools Can Create a Better Workforce

Understanding What Predictive Analytics Is Predictive analytics (PA) is well known in many business arenas but has never entered Human Resources until recently. PA is a form of technology that learns from other existing data. This process results in predictive results. It is most frequently used to predict very specific individual behaviors in Human Resources. […]

StrategyDriven Recommended Resources Article

The Top 15 Shows That Every Aspiring Entrepreneur Should Watch

Whilst starting your own business is both exciting and fulfilling, it can also be exhausting. Never ending work hours and a lack of weekends can mean at times, all you fancy doing is sitting back, relaxing and watching your favorite box set on TV. If you’re interested in maximizing your downtime however, we’ve found the […]

StrategyDriven Entrepreneurship Article

Key Practises You Must Get Right To Grow Your Small Business

Too many businesses fail within their initial stages, and you don’t want yours to be next. That’s why it’s crucial to optimize your business procedures right from the start. It will be much easier to implement them when you only have a few staff, rather than waiting until you have dozens or even hundreds. Hiring […]

StrategyDriven Entrepreneurship Article

Turning Your Catering Biz Into A Really Dishy Proposition

Let’s assume you already have the culinary talents and the dedication to customer satisfaction that are crucial to any successful catering enterprise. Besides providing food to satisfy at events, celebrations, and so on, you are also going to have to nail the image of your business. People don’t just want good food, they want good […]

StrategyDriven Marketing and Sales Article

3 Tips on Holding an Event to Promote Your Business

If you want your business to seriously compete with the other players in the field, you need to promote it in the right way. Remember the different forms that promotion can take. For example, your online marketing will constitute part of your promotion efforts, as will any events that you host. There is no right […]