Jeffrey Gitomer

The POWER of Sales Success is 100% in Your Control

Every salesperson wants to think of him or herself as powerful but, if asked, would have no idea where their power actually comes from. Most salespeople fail to understand their own power. The reason they don’t is that there is a heavy concentration on what cannot be controlled or what is not being done. This […]

Jeffrey Gitomer

Help! My main contact left, and I’m panicked!

Letter from a fan: Dear Jeffrey, I sell copiers in NYC, and this year I finished as the number one rep in the nation. I truly believe that would not have been possible had it not been for your Little Red Book of Selling. I do have a question and would greatly appreciate your advice. […]

StrategyDriven Podcast Episode 45 – Marketing & Sales: Closing the Value Gap

StrategyDriven Podcasts focus on the tools and techniques executives and managers can use to improve their organization’s alignment and accountability to ultimately achieve superior results. These podcasts elaborate on the best practice and warning flag articles on the StrategyDriven website. Episode 45 – Marketing & Sales: Closing the Value Gap examines the evolution of the […]

Jeffrey Gitomer

Who is taking responsibility around here? Nobody!

With all the dumb laws on the books these days, you’d think they’d have one smart one for taking responsibility. Wouldn’t it be cool if every politician wasn’t allowed to blame anybody else, and had to take full responsibility for their own actions and results? Well, the same is true in sales. I’m pretty sick […]

Jeffrey Gitomer

The evolution of SOCIAL MEDIA ATTRACTION that leads to a sale.

I am on it. I am into it. It’s attracting customers. It’s making sales. It’s free! What is it? It’s almost social media. It’s BUSINESS social media. It’s your ticket to customer and prospect awareness – who you are, how you think, how you serve, what you believe, what your value messages are, and what […]

Jeffrey Gitomer

Make a sale or create an outcome? One has more power.

The two least understood words in sales are also the most powerful. Both of the words are related. Both of the words have nothing and everything to do with the sale. Both of the words have more power than any other fact or figure about your product or service. Both of the words determine your […]

Jeffrey Gitomer

How to make sales calls on social media. Kind of.

Letter from a fan: Hello Mr. Gitomer, I read your article on LinkedIn in the Daily Herald Business Ledger here in the Chicago Suburbs. I am a fan. You make great points and observations that many people miss. I’m in the process of retooling my profile. I can’t help but to ask if you have […]

Jeffrey Gitomer

Twitter thoughts and Twitter thinking. Tweet and Re-Tweet.

Most people reading this have never tweeted. (You included?) On the off chance that you have tweeted, my guess is you have less than 5,000 Twitter followers – maybe less than 500. Whatever your situation is there’s no denying that Twitter is a major force in business social media. The next few paragraphs will challenge […]

Recommended Resources – Freakonomics

Freakonomics: A Rogue Economist Explores the Hidden Side of Everything by Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner About the Book Freakonomics by Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner challenges conventional thinking by using economic analysis to uncover the underlying causes of everyday life events. Steven and Stephen reveal that economics is simply the […]