
Five Advantages Of Cloud Computing For SMEs

StrategyDriven Tactical Execution Article |Cloud Computing|Five Advantages Of Cloud Computing For SMEsThe importance of cloud computing is overlooked by many businesses, it is vital for small and medium businesses to function at their best.

Why is cloud computing so important for SMEs? The idea of the cloud is that it is a network of remote servers that will allow you to access shared applications, storage, and other computing resources via an internet-based facility. The cloud replaces the need to have to install additional hardware of your own. The cloud is all around you, operating in your day to day life.

Everything is moving into the cloud. This is because there are a lot of cloud computing use cases that will make life a lot easier for users and businesses alike. It can improve cash flow, increase efficiency, and offers a lot of other advantages.


When you own a business, have the needed flexibility is essential. This is where cloud computing for SMEs can come in to help you. When you’re on the go, you know that you can rely on the cloud to give you access to modify and save the files you need from any device wherever you happen to be.

If you want to access virtual resources like protected storage, web applications, or redundant firewalls for example, then you can do this by using any device that is connected to the cloud via the internet. Activity like this can give any small business the upper hand on the competition.

Portability – Remote IT Infrastructure

As part of the advantage of flexibility, the cloud offers near limitless computer resources to its users regardless of their location.

The ability to allocate an entire server farm’s equivalent of computer power for your project or the task you need to do with just a few clicks is very appealing. Every major player in business uses a platform like this to give its users and internal employees access to secured data.

Data Security

Storing files and your important data via the cloud is often safer than more traditional storage on a phone or a computer. There are often many laters that are put into cloud computing security so the best cloud service providers can offer infrastructure will protect all your data.

Software Updates

Automatic software updates are another bonus that you can get from moving across to a cloud computing system. A key thing that can damage the productivity of a business is running out of data software. A lot of owners neglect this step, so it’s a common issue. With the cloud, it’s the job of the cloud service provider to manage any needed maintenance and software updates without you having to worry about it.

Environmentally Friendly

Cloud computing can easily be scaled to match your business needs. Before the cloud, you had to buy physical machines yourself, pay to power the whole server room, and pay employees to handle maintenance. Now, you only need to pay for the resources that you actually need. This helps the environment by reducing your carbon footprint.

Do You Lose Your Life Insurance When You Leave Your Job?

StrategyDriven Managing Your People Article |Life Insurance|Do You Lose Your Life Insurance When You Leave Your Job?In a job where an employer offers life insurance to employees, signing up may be a no-brainer. But the truth is that a sponsored group life insurance has its limitations as much as it has great benefits. As long as you keep the job, the insurer will guarantee a basic amount as cover. But if you decide to quit, take a momentary break, or get laid off, you can’t take the cover with you.

In this article, we discuss everything to know about the employer group policy including how leaving your job affects it.

What is Group Life Insurance?

Group life insurance exists as an employer perk that employees can enjoy while their work contract is still valid. It falls under the type of life insurance that’s known as term life insurance, which means it exists for a fixed period. Normally, your employer pays the necessary premiums in full as a business expense or a portion of it then draws the balance from your paycheck.

The coverage that you get from group life insurance in most cases is equivalent to a multiple of your full year’s salary. In case you pass on in your job, the death benefits go to your chosen beneficiary tax-free. The amount of coverage offered by the employer group policy may not be sufficient for most people’s needs. Therefore, there’s a tendency to purchase supplemental group life insurance that guarantees up to four times the annual salary. In this case, you might have to provide evidence of insurability to your employer to submit it to the group insurer.

Benefits of Group Life Insurance

Group life insurance is a good deal, especially where the coverage assured offers sufficient financial security to your nominees. Below are some of its top benefits:

  • The employer takes care of the premiums by either drawing them directly from your paycheck or financing them. You don’t have to budget for the monthly payments yourself.
  • Your employer may allow supplemental life insurance to increase the assured coverage to your beneficiaries
  • Enrolling in the employer group policy is better than having no cover at all. If you pass on suddenly, your loved ones will get some financial help from your insurance death benefits.

Shortcomings of Group Life Insurance

  • The coverage amount assured may not be sufficient for every employee’s needs. Where the cover is equivalent to your annual salary and you have non-working dependents, it might not offer enough financial security
  • The coverage terminates when you leave your current job or employer.
  • The group life insurance offers limited policy options that are available to just your employer. With this, you might not be able to shop for a policy that’s adequate for you as an individual.
  • It might lock out your spouse as a primary beneficiary.

How long does it take to lose group life insurance coverage?

As aforementioned, the main shortcoming of group life insurance is that you lose coverage when you leave your job. But how soon does this happen? Perhaps, you might be contemplating to quit but you’re unsure how long the cover remains valid.

Typically, the employer group policy guarantees coverage as long as the premiums are still being paid. However, it’s less likely that your employer will continue to finance it if you decide to quit. For this, the only way to be assured of the cover is to take over the payment of the premiums. And since you no longer have a salary from the employer that you leave, it’s upon you to decide how to finance the policy and keep it valid.

Consider switching the group life insurance policy to the individual term options available in your previous employer’s insurer. Although your premium rates will change and the amount of coverage assured, that will be a safer solution.

Do you have more questions concerning group life insurance? Feel free to reach us and we’d be happy to help.

How to Manage Newly Remote Workers in Your Business

StrategyDriven Managing Your People Article | How to Manage Newly Remote Workers in Your BusinessIn these uncertain times, more and more of your employees will become remote workers. In many cases, this will be a straightforward transition in terms of technology and logistics. However, there can be some other underlying challenges along the way. It’s not just businesses that face difficulties when it comes to working from home; it’s the employees themselves. So how do you mitigate these to get the right balance for both the business and workers?

Take a look at some of the common challenges of remote working and how you can resolve them to create a harmonious balance.

Challenges of remote working

To understand how to make remote working a successful practice for your business, you need to understand the challenges it presents. The main areas to focus on include:

Lack of face-to-face interaction and supervision

While research indicates that many people are productive in a remote setting, supervisors often worry that employees won’t be without supervision. On the flip-side, employees may also lack confidence when there is not someone available to offer support and guidance.

Issues accessing information

In the workplace, we just chat to someone or pick up the phone to get the information we need. This immediacy of information is something that is not always available when you’re working remotely. While it should be just as simple, there can be interpersonal challenges to overcome.

Home environment distractions

Naturally, at home, there are a lot more distractions to deal with, especially if children are also at home. At this time, managers should expect a different remote working environment to normal as many people are in sub-optimal conditions as they transition to this type of work. Supervisors may also need to compromise with more flexible working arrangements while employees are juggling home and work life.

Increased loneliness

This is one of the most understated challenges of remote working, but it is one of the most common complaints. Workers may struggle to deal with the lack of connection that comes from being in the workplace, and the longer remote working ensues, the more this can impact someone’s life.

How employers can support employees with remote working

There are several ways to face the challenges mentioned above to ensure your employees feel happy in this new working environment. By making small adjustments and inexpensive alterations, you will also see an increase in productivity.

Take a look at some of the primary ways you can support your remote employees:

Create structure in the working day

Much like if they were in the office, create a structure such as check-ins and catch-ups to ensure everyone is happy with their workload and daily tasks. However, this shouldn’t feel like you’re checking up on them. You could also make this time a collaborative effort by involving everyone on the team. This time could include a morning brief or team meeting to help sort out issues anyone is facing. Plus, it gives everyone a chance to catch up without it feeling too formal.

Monitor their working conditions and encourage healthy habits

While it might be ok in the meantime for employees to be camped out on the kitchen table with a laptop, after a while, their health may be affected. Happy and healthy employees are more productive, and although they are not in the workplace, it is still a good idea to care about their working environment and wellbeing. Help them make a better choice about where they work in their home, such as dedicated space. Allow them to take an office chair home to encourage better seating. If they spend a lot of time on the phone, supply a specialized case with EMF protection to minimize harmful radiation to the body. Other things to consider is whether they have a break during the day, as getting away from screens can be more challenging at home.

Create boundaries for everyone

One of the most significant frustrations for remote employees is it can feel like they need to be constantly on-call. To avoid this, think about when they are working in the office. If they have an important task, they are usually given ample time and space with limited interruptions to complete it. The same should be done in a remote setting. If employees feel they are getting urgent requests and even messages to their phones every five minutes, this will affect their overall productivity and willingness. Boundaries should be set on in regards to messaging services used by your company. It’s great to have functionality such as Slack or Zoom available. Still, it is not viable to expect an immediate response from someone every second of the day.

Encourage vigilance surrounding company information

Your remote employees will have access to everything they need at home, so security is an important area to think about. If you handle sensitive data, establishing secure connections and remote access to company data is vital, but this isn’t all you need. You also need to ensure that a risk assessment is in place should information be compromised in any way. To encourage better data and security management, suggesting a dedicated space to work is an excellent idea. This helps to keep work information away from home life.

Provide emotional support when needed

The mental well-being of your employees is paramount. They’ve had to deal with a lot in the past few months, and the ‘new normal’ is unlikely to change much going forward. Stress will be natural alongside frustrations with other remote working aspects. To assist with this, be sure to provide emotional support when it is required. It could be a case of merely asking questions to help employees talk about their experiences, or providing information on where they can get specialized assistance.

Everyone should be aiming to get the best out of remote working as possible, but times are hard, and stress is high. By working with your employees to create a balanced and respectful environment, you can all learn and grow together during this period.

Top 5 Tips To Produce The Right SEO Content

StrategyDriven Online Marketing and Website Development Article, Top 5 Tips To Produce The Right SEO ContentThe world of SEO is always changing, as Google’s algorithm acts as a black box: no one knows what is coming next.

Being an SEO professional is all about adapting your digital marketing strategy according to the right web design. Focusing on those factors that are determinant, the phrase “content is key” summarizes all. High-quality content can be one of the top factors that will make you stand out of the competition, helping you rank higher within the SERP. However, a common crossroad that most SEO experts encounter is related to quantity versus quality. Is it better to have tons of content, and make your pages/posts larger for the shake of it, or maybe is better to make posts shorter but straightforward? We will share some light on how you can produce quality content to make it the cherry top of your SEO cake.

1.Identify your Audience and their Needs

While it may seem like a simple and straightforward tip, a lot of businesses write content just for the shake of it. The main goal of writing a piece of content is to create awareness and value for a chosen topic.

On the other hand, if you write blog posts and articles with the sole intent to promote your products or services, people would feel that their needs are not taken into account. You should ask yourself: is my blog covering a wide range of topics? Are we answering those questions that targeted and future customers are asking to themselves? Therefore, you will have to conduct extensive research into your target segment to determine what are you missing in your content.

If you push the right buttons, your site will stand out of the crowd and will enable you to rank higher then your competitors.

2. Schedule your Content Using an Editorial Calendar

Creating an editorial calendar will help you organize your content. It will dictate you when to publish new content or which blog posts you want to update. Just make sure that you stick to it, you must create blog content on regularly. Some features you might want to take into account are:

  • Use a calendar app. E.g. Outlook or Google Calendar. Calendar apps are great for reminders and to organize your daily schedule. It will also enable you to share the editorial calendar with your marketing team, so everyone can collaborate with it!
  • Keep an eye on your competitors’ updates. If you want your content to be relevant enough, check on the competition to see what kind of content is creating, and when are they doing it. This will help you simplify the whole process of engaging with your audience and will keep you at the same level than the rest of the bloggers.
  • Create special features for your site. Add some originality to your blog here: create categories, weekly updates, contents etc. Try to be engaging at all times.

3. Assign Keywords to Search Intent

One of the most common mistakes that people make is to fill up their content with a lot of keywords, just because they want to rank for them. If you overuse keywords into your content, Google will not be happy with it, as the searcher is always trying to find content that is tailored to a keyword. If the content you produce focuses on improving the search volume for your keywords instead of providing value, Google will penalize the readability of your blog.

This is why mapping keywords to search intent is so important: is an easy step but is not that difficult to leave it behind. Therefore, you may want to perform a Google search for your keyword and see the results that the SERP displays. For example, if you want to rank for “best SEO tips”, you should map your keyword to a “best SEO tips 2020” blog post, or a related service website.

StrategyDriven Online Marketer & Website Developer Magazine

4. Update your Evergreen Content

First of all, make sure that you know what evergreen content is:

  • Searchable
  • Easy to share
  • Non-time sensitive
  • Enduring

Once you know which post/article you want to update, you may want to prioritize those posts that have earned more engagement. Check on the metrics: use ahrefs to see your top pages and pick up the right topic. Then, identify that data that is eligible for being updated, and reshape it: give it refreshment by adding some relevant information. Moreover, include internal and external links to your new content. This way, you can add new additional pages that are relevant to your article, which will add new value to your piece of content. Last but not least, remember to change those old and outdated images for new and shiny ones.

5. Focus on Quality AND Quantity

If you do have the resources to create as much quality content as possible and you can write several high-quality blog articles in a short period, just do it! However, if you cannot afford it that way, focus your attention on the 80% rule: put 80% of your efforts on quality and 20% on quantity or vice versa. Furthermore, it is harsh to put a 50%- 50% focus on both, as you will have to focus on relevant topics or publishing every day. Last but not least, identify which your overall goals are: are you looking to engage users and offer them new pieces every day? Or are you looking to create high-quality, unique content? That only depends on you, but I will try to focus on both at the same time.

About the Author

Laura is an SEO Executive working at MintTwist, a London based digital marketing agency.

Improving Your Office For The New Year

StrategyDriven Managing Your Business Article |Improve your Office|Improving Your Office For The New YearIn 2021, as professionals begin returning to their office spaces and welcoming a new year of hopeful normality, it’s important for all business owners to use this time as an opportunity. This opportunity can entail equipping the office with the equipment it needs, redoubling efforts to keep it hygienic, and using methods to improve team morale from top to bottom. Those kinds of investments are almost always worth it, because it will serve as a direct measure of trust in your brand, your culture, and your people.

Improving your offices for the new year also helps you shake up this space, likely long-vacant thanks to the pressures of this year. But what measures will actually make the difference? How can firms allocate their budget and spending towards this goal when times may be tight in the first place? These questions are worthwhile to ask, because they can provide you with a means in which to justify your approach, and better understand the investments you are making. With our following advice, you’re sure to step in the right direction:

Upgrade & Outfit Your Office

There are likely many little niggling issues that have been getting on your nerves, and that was before remote work became the norm. Upgrading and outfitting your office can be as easy as buying office furniture online and provide you with the means to get the ball rolling as soon as you return, and the space necessary to resolve those issues from the offset. For instance, office cell phone boosters from WilsonPro are proven to up the cell phone reception and signal in your office space, which can often be difficult considering the materials the building is made from.

Little resolutions like this, with inexpensive yet reliable equipment, can provide you with the functionality necessary to bring your A-game to the new year. If you can achieve that, odds are you’ll notice the difference in productivity compared to the start of 2020, when offices were populated in the best possible sense.

Ensure Devices Are Well Stocked & Maintained

Ensure your office devices are well stocked and maintained. Replenishing your stock of toner, ensuring your laptops are fully backed up with the latest anti-virus protocols, collaborating with your managed IT services, all of this will help your office functionality stay sharp and ready – much like your returning employees.

It might be that you need to recall your company devices for a moment just to ensure they are updated with the latest protocols. For instance, Google Suite has now changed into Google Workspace, and that may mean you use lesser apps to manage your workflow.
Part of renewing your devices means educating your staff in how to use them, and figuring out new methods of improving your productivity. To use an example, Google Meet could be a perfect addition to your Hangouts policies, only this may require the installation of new apps to work phones. As your devices are part of your workflow, they are also part of the office, and so this is a viable use of your time.

Thorough Cleaning Measures

Thorough cleaning can make all the difference when returning to a normal working schedule. It’s important for your office to shine, and to protect itself against the growing number of difficulties offices have faced.

Deep cleaning will help your staff feel comfortable that you have taken the right precautions, and that they can trust you and your attempts at keeping the space as clinical as possible. Window cleaning, tidying up the exterior of your business, reshining the brand signs and making sure the carpets are refreshed can help the entire space shine, inner and outer. That can help you inspire pride in your office and workplace, something worth encouraging when you hope to kickstart the renewed morale of your employees. Furthermore, cleaning also helps you identify issues that you may not have addressed for some time, from growing damp in your bathroom to scuff marks left by chairs on your carpet.

Sometimes a renewal can help you see this space as it should be seen – radiant, new, vibrant, and worthwhile. That can help any brand feel renewed confidence in itself, from now into the future. That kind of perception you cannot by, but you can come across with hard work, and it’s perfect for a new year full of positive possibilities.

Adjusting Workspace Terminals

Adjusting the terminals in your workspace will help you ensure a regular flow of productivity when staff feel safe, protected, and your space is used in the best possible manner. For instance, seating staff far enough apart with dividers can ensure nothing spreads, while also ensuring staff feel dominion over their workspaces.

It’s important to remember that staff are coming in from remote work options and have had full control over their space for some time. Moving into an office once more can certainly be an adjustment for them, and so it’s up to you to make this approach as friendly and reliable as possible.

Adjusting your workspace in this capacity can also mean investing in worthwhile ventilation, to ensure the space is breathable yet not cold over the winter period. Workspace terminal adjustment may also mean rededicating yourself to cable management, to totally reduce trip hazards and improve desk space. This can give staff the capacity to bring in their own devices, something they may have become used to during the remote working period.

Managed IT Maintenance

Managed IT maintenance will restore your business functionality in the best sense, but upgrading your serviced package or asking to renew certain measures, such as your cloud functionality support and accessibility, can help you refine your workflow.

This might involve slowly backup up all of your data onto the cloud, or it might mean ensuring you are still working with the latest cybersecurity compliance possible. Those measures can help any firm stay thoroughly capable, well-developed and measured from the offset. These efforts can make any firm retain its standing in the best possible sense, even if that means servicing the devices our staff use. Keeping everyone on the same page and encouraging a tune-up of our workflows can make a big difference after everyone has been working at home for some time – a lesson we could all do with learning.

Considering Ergonomics

It’s a good time to invest in staff health. Ensuring they are as functional and able as you hope they would otherwise be can be taken into your own hands. For instance, you may decide to invest in better office furniture, or standing desk toppers to help your staff work and exercise as they may be better off doing.

Simple a renewed intra-office campaign reminding staff to sit up straight, to lift the monitor to the top of their eyeline, and to stretch when possible can help the office serve as a functional, health-abetting resource in the best possible sense. Considering ergonomics can mean investing in chairs with good lumbar support, purchasing left-handed mice and keyboards for your left-handed employees as appropriate. This will all combine to help your staff feel thought of, and it can help them iron out any undue aches and pains that may have otherwise came from bad posture sitting at home for a time. A good place to begin, then.

Making The Most Of Your Space

Making the most out of your space can also be important at this time. For instance, it might be that you’ve been using your conference facilities as a storeroom since the remote work requirements started taking place. Making the most of your space could mean opening this back up again, and using this as a spill-in room to enact social distancing when your employees return to their stations.

It could be that you’ve been meaning to refurbish your office kitchen since forever, due to the fact that space has been disheveled for a while and you haven’t quite gotten around to it. A new refrigerator, a new microwave, and new doors on the cupboards could mean a lot to your staff, who will likely use part of this space as a means of collaborating and connecting with one another once more.

For some, making the most of your space could mean simply ensuring that your smoking area is cleaned up and that the shelters are in place to protect against the weather. Renew your standards, they can make a massive difference regarding how you see your firm, and how it presents itself to the wider world.

Simple Aesthetic Additions

It can be nice to have the little things speak to your office culture, and celebrate it. For instance, a large ‘welcome back’ sign, or a list of people who have done outstanding work remotely, or perhaps signs that reassure your staff they can visit your HR office anytime. Little additions, to help the office culture shine, can help everyone feel comfortable returning to it.

With this advice, we hope you can more easily improve your office for the new year. Your staff, your brand, and you deserve it.