
A Comprehensive Guide for Experienced Business Owners Who Are Setting Up the Cloud

StrategyDriven Managing Your Business Article | A Comprehensive Guide for Experienced Business Owners Who Are Setting Up the Cloud

Cloud computing has become indispensable for modern businesses. For seasoned business owners, leveraging cloud technology can significantly enhance operational efficiency, scalability, and cost-effectiveness. This guide delves into the strategic considerations and steps necessary to successfully integrate cloud services into your business.

What’s Cloud Computing?

Before diving into the implementation, it’s essential to have a good understanding of cloud computing. Essentially, it facilitates the storage and access of data and applications over the internet rather than relying on local servers or personal devices.

Cloud services fall into three primary categories: Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), which provides virtualized computing resources; Platform as a Service (PaaS), offering hardware and software tools for application development; and Software as a Service (SaaS), which delivers software applications on a subscription basis.

Assessing Your Business Needs

A thorough needs assessment is crucial. Evaluate the scale and type of data storage required, identify the critical applications that are integral to your operations, and determine the number of users needing access to cloud services. Additionally, assess your security requirements and establish a budget for cloud services. This evaluation will guide your selection of appropriate cloud solutions that are tailored to your business’s specific needs and objectives.

Choosing the Right Cloud Service Provider

Selecting a cloud service provider (CSP) demands careful consideration. Leading CSPs like Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), and IBM Cloud offer varied services.

When making a choice, focus on the provider’s reputation and reliability, ensuring they have a strong track record and positive customer feedback. Compare service offerings to ensure they meet your specific needs, and scrutinize their pricing models to find the best fit for your budget. Security measures and customer support quality are also critical factors to consider. Discuss your needs with Absolute Consultancy Services to make sure you find the right service for your needs and have ongoing support.

Planning the Migration

A meticulous migration plan is essential for a seamless transition to the cloud. Begin with a comprehensive data assessment to determine what needs to be migrated. Establish a realistic timeline for the migration process and ensure all data is backed up before initiating the move. Conduct a pilot migration to identify and resolve potential issues, ensuring the main migration proceeds smoothly.

Implementing Cloud Services

With a solid plan in place, start the implementation process. Set up cloud accounts with your chosen CSP and configure the necessary settings. Proceed with the data migration according to your plan, utilizing automated tools provided by the CSP for efficient data transfer. Install and configure essential applications, ensuring they’re optimized for the cloud environment. Finally, set up user accounts and permissions to maintain secure access to cloud resources.

Ensuring Security and Compliance

Given the paramount importance of security, robust measures must be implemented. Ensure data is encrypted both in transit and at rest, and employ strong authentication methods, such as multi-factor authentication, to safeguard access. Compliance with relevant regulations and industry standards, such as GDPR or HIPAA, is crucial. Regular security audits should be conducted to identify and address any vulnerabilities promptly.

Training and Support

Educating your team about the new cloud environment is vital. Develop comprehensive training programs to familiarize employees with cloud tools and best practices. Provide detailed documentation and user guides to support ongoing learning. Establish a robust support system to assist users with any issues or questions that may arise, ensuring smooth operation and user satisfaction.


Integrating cloud technology into your business is a strategic move that offers numerous benefits, from enhanced efficiency to greater scalability. For experienced business owners, understanding the intricacies of cloud services and implementing them effectively can provide a significant competitive advantage.

By conducting thorough assessments, choosing the right provider, planning meticulously, and prioritizing security, you can ensure a successful transition to the cloud, driving your business forward in the digital age.

How to Incorporate Cloud Technology: 5 Steps to Success

StrategyDriven Managing Your Business Article |Cloud Technology|How to Incorporate Cloud Technology: 5 Steps to SuccessIn this day and age, is a business complete without using some form of cloud technology? No longer a trend or buzzword, “the cloud” has become an integral component in how many companies function.

There are various reasons organizations add cloud technology to their repertoire, including how it saves time and resources and makes them more productive overall.

Are you itching to also experience these benefits? Below are five steps to successfully incorporate cloud technology.

1. Understand your requirements

The first step is to fully understand your business requirements and how cloud computing can help. In general, cloud technology has the potential to dramatically improve the efficiency, security, and cost-effectiveness of your business. Yet you need to select the right service for your business. There are three primary options available:

  • Infrastructure as a service
  • Platform as a service
  • Software as a service

Is the plan to incorporate cloud technology for every element of your business? How will the future growth of your business affect your cloud-related plans? These are the types of questions you have to answer before moving forward.

2. Put in the research

Once you know your requirements, the next step is to put in the necessary research. You have to understand cloud technology, what it provides, and how it can help your business. With this knowledge, you’ll have a much better idea about which areas of your company would benefit most from the cloud – and also the areas that don’t necessarily require adopting this technology.

3. Understand the risks

Your focus will be on the advantages gained from cloud computing. That’s understandable. However, there are certain risks involved with integrating and using this technology. Ensure you are fully aware of these risks before adding cloud technology to your company’s operations.

For instance, once you put your data on the cloud, it’s important you have the necessary backup options and threat prevention policies in place.

4. Use the right technology solutions

Cloud technology incorporates a wide assortment of software and solutions. Different companies will use different technology, and it’s important your business selects the right options that fit your requirements.
As an example, say your company creates and manages its own APIs. If you’ve got numerous APIs under your belt, it can be hard to keep track of these effectively without the right approach. That right approach can be found with an API management platform. With the help of a management platform, it allows you to monitor, manage, and utilize your APIs with ease.

5. Educate your employees

It’s not just you who has to research and understand cloud technology. It’s imperative your employees are also on the same page. After all, if work is now being performed on the cloud, you don’t want staff members to struggle with completing their tasks due to a lack of understanding about how the technology works.
Even before migrating, you should explain to employees why it is beneficial for your company – and them – to make the move to the cloud.

Benefits Of Migrating To Cloud Computing

StrategyDriven Managing Your Business Article | Benefits Of Migrating To Cloud Computing

More and more companies are moving their data to the cloud. The benefits of cloud-based computing are substantial and companies of all sizes and sectors are able to access these advantages.

Migration is the moving all of your data and applications away from a physical IT infrastructure onto a digital one is called cloud computing.

But, before you think of fully migrating to Cloud storage, you first need to consider an IT equipment disposal plan through a server disposal service provider or company. Here in Newark CA, there’s an expert by the name of “Dataknox” that offers complete equipment disposition, reverse logistics & equipment buyback, Cloud and asset management services.

However, some companies are still reticent to embrace cloud computing due to a number of concerns. They may not trust a solely, cloud-based system, fearing that it is more vulnerable to a cyber attack. Some companies do not like the thought of being beholden to an internet connection to run all of their key services.

Moving your IT functions to the cloud has a number of benefits:

  • Cost reduction
  • Scalability
  • Unlimited storage
  • Business continuity and disaster recovery options
  • Automation of common tasks
  • Security
  • Agile response
  • Increased uptime
  • Eco-conscious compared to standard IT systems

The most well-known cloud providers include Microsoft Azure, AWS, and Google Cloud. The type of contract chosen depends on the storage and performance needs of the company.

Gartner’s research states that 83% of companies will be using cloud-based platforms bt the end of 2020. The industry itself is thought to be worth $240 billion annually.

Cost Reductions

Traditional IT systems use more hardware, which raises the overall cost of buying, installing, and maintaining your IT system. IBM estimated that IT labor costs are reduced by over 50% when a company switches to cloud computing.

By using a specialist such as to manage migration, you can further reduce costs by transferring your data and applications quickly and efficiently, causes little to no disruption to your services.

Reduce Downtime

Downtime is bad for business. It can cost companies money and their reputation. Standard, physical IT systems experience 4 times more downtime than cloud-based systems.

When deciding whether or not to move to cloud computing, consider how the impact of your IT systems going down for any length of time would affect you.


Your cloud services can expand or contract in response to your business needs. This allows companies to adapt to changes without having to spend money on hardware to cope with temporary increases in demand.

If there is a sudden increase in demand for services, a cloud-based system can cope with these without any interruption.

Environmentally Friendly

The advent of cloud computing has decreased data center energy consumption by almost 40%. That is a huge reduction and one that can be further improved as more businesses move to the cloud.

Business Continuity

If there was a sudden emergency that stopped you accessing your place of business, or affected your data (such as a ransomware attack), how would you deal with it? Cloud computing can allow you to fail-over to backups almost instantly as part of a robust business continuity plan.

If someone is threatening to hold your data hostage unless you pay them, you simply failover to your backup systems.

Cloud Computing for Dummies

StrategyDriven Managing Your Business Article | Cloud Computing for DummiesMost everyone these days has heard of the computer cloud, but many don’t really understand what it is or what it does. Let’s take a look at how the cloud got its name and then discuss the basics of how it works.

How Did the Computer Cloud Get Its Name?

There are several different stories surrounding the origins of the name, among them:

  1. The cloud has long been a symbol of the Internet. Essentially, “in the cloud” for many years has referred to the software or other platforms on the Internet.
  2. For decades, engineers have drawn networking diagrams that pictured the cloud to represent the internal structure of a large network of computers and storage devices “out there”.
  3. A cloud was also used in diagrams to represent a network with endpoints connected by a data path.

So How Does Cloud Computing Work?

The cloud is not one entity, but rather it’s a huge system of servers, all around the world, that are connected to work together as one networked ecosystem. The servers can be designed to do a number of different things. Some of the main applications include:

  • Storing data – Businesses use the cloud to safely store data. The information can then be accessed with a password from any computer that has an Internet connection.
  • Delivering content – The content can include streaming services, software and social media platforms. Any computer or other Internet-accessible device can stream or download this content, provided proper password codes are entered.

What Are the Advantages of the Cloud For Businesses?

Businesses see many advantages of using the cloud to store data. Instead of bogging down the servers on location, the data is stored off-site, freeing up valuable storage on the company’s servers. This can save a lot of money in the long run. IUVO Technology states that the Federal government’s departments have saved upwards of 25-50% on the IT budget by moving data to the cloud.

Your company’s data is also much safer in the cloud. Because it is backed up, the chances of losing your data are very low. The information is usually encrypted as well, which makes it secure against cyber attacks. IT Services Boston are available to help you migrate your data to the cloud in the safest way possible.

Working with a trained professional to move your business data to the cloud will ensure that you find the right services at the right cost to keep your company safe and working at maximum capacity.

5 Ways to Improve Your Cloud Security Standards

StrategyDriven Risk Management Article|cloud security standards|5 Ways to Improve Your Cloud Security StandardsCurrently, roughly 90% of companies in the United States use some kind of cloud service. While the cloud computing industry may be worth more than $100 billion as of 2020, it’s still yet to reach it peak.

Just about any type of business can benefit from cloud services when it comes to their critical business processes. Cloud computing presents great advancements in efficiency and supportability.But does this shift in technology guarantee your company foolproof cloud security standards? The good news is that the top public cloud service providers offer a highly secure environment for your sensitive business data.

But while cloud service providers are generally reliable when it comes to data protection, they can’t guarantee protection when that data leaves the cloud to other systems.

In this friendly guide, we equip you with the information you need to know about cloud security policies, including cloud computing best practices. Keep reading to learn more.

Why Do Businesses Opt For the Cloud?

For many years after the internet entered the scene, organizations hosted their hardware in an office within the premise or hired space in data centers nearby. In the last decade, cloud computing has completely transformed that architecture. Companies no longer have to invest in hardware to securely store their data.

The rise of Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) through cloud service providers means that companies can now entrust their data and systems to a third party. It’s a reliable alternative to hosting your website or storing your data in a physical location. Then cloud affords an organization more flexibility and can significantly cut costs.

How Do You Ensure Topnotch Cloud Security Standards?

As we mentioned earlier, transferring your data to the cloud does not make your information entirely immune to security breaches. But you can avert these breaches by adopting the best security practices. We discuss some of these practices below.

1. Set Up Multi-Factor Authentication

Stealing credentials is one of the top ways cyber criminals use to access your digital business data. That’s why you need to ditch the conventional username and password combination to access business accounts. This combination is often weak when it comes to protecting yourself from hackers.

Among the simplest and most effective cloud security controls is deploying multi-factor authentication. This authentication technique ensures that only authorized staff can access your sensitive data by logging in to your cloud applications. So reliable is this security measure that most security experts consider businesses that haven’t yet deployed it as negligent.

2. Manage User Access

While you want to maintain as much transparency as possible within your company, the fact is that not every employee needs to access every file or piece of information. That’s why you need to set up clear levels of authorization, so every employee only accesses data or application necessary for their job.

You want to avoid incidences of a member of staff accidentally editing data that they have no authority to access. Additionally, you want to protect your sensitive information from hackers who may have stolen the credentials of one of your employees.

3. Monitor User Activity Continuously

What if a hacker succeeds in stealing login credentials and can access your sensitive business data? Well, that’s where real-time monitoring comes in.

Through real-time monitoring, you can spot any irregularities that vary considerably from the normal usage patterns. These deviations include log in from previously unknown devices or IP addresses.

Once you notice an abnormal activity, you can promptly investigate it to determine whether there has been a breach of your system. In case there is, you can fix that security issue before it causes mayhem in your organization.

Besides monitoring user activity, it’s essential that you need to keep a record of instances that your employees have accessed business data and any changes they’ve made on it. This way, you can provide auditors with a report of people who have access to the data at any given time in case there’s a breach.

4. Develop a Secure Off-boarding Process for Outgoing Staff

When individuals depart from your company, you want to ensure they don’t leave with your trade secrets. Create a foolproof process of taking away access rights to outgoing employees so they can no longer access your business systems, client information, or intellectual property.

The off-boarding process may seem easy, but it isn’t. Keep in mind that a departing employee could have access to numerous cloud applications. Revoking access to each of these applications can prove time-consuming.

Have a systemized deprovisioning procedure to revoke all the access rights of departing employees. Some organizations opt for solutions that consolidate user credentials into a single identity that can be turned off for the company’s cloud applications at once.

Remember, you can always turn to an expert to help you with the off-boarding process if you can’t manage it internally.

5. Have a Cloud-to-Cloud Backup Solution

The risks associated with cloud platforms and applications are legitimate. You could lose your data anytime, especially as a result of human actions. For instance, an employee could accidentally delete data, or a hacker may intentionally clean it out.

Given the dire consequences of data loss or manipulation, companies need to have backup solutions. At the moment, numerous cloud-based backup solutions that can protect you. Consult a credible IT solutions provider like to help you determine the best solution for you.

You Can Reduce Your Cloud Computing Security Risks

Generally, cloud computing is a highly beneficial option for businesses in the 21st century. However, companies that choose cloud services need to adhere to cloud security standards to get the most out of it. Fortunately, cloud computing best practices are reasonably easy to implement and follow.

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