Have you Been Bullied at Work? Here Are Practical Ways to Achieve Career Success
It’s no secret that bullying happens in the workplace. It is a pervasive problem that affects millions of people each year. While bullying has been traditionally thought of as an issue for children, recent research from the Workplace Bullying Institute finds that one-third of adults have been bullied at work.
When you’re bullied at work, you feel powerless, ashamed, and defeated. It’s been proven that this is a leading cause of mental health issues. But it doesn’t have to be like this! You can figure out the root of the problem and find practical ways to help you achieve success. Here are seven practical ways to help you achieve career success.
1. Seek counseling
When you’ve been bullied, it’s common to feel depressed, anxious, and stressed. Counseling can help you deal with these emotions and learn how to cope. Counseling can also help you develop a plan to deal with the bullies in your life.
2. Seek legal help
If the bullying is severe or it affects your work performance, it’s important to seek legal help. An employment law attorney can help protect you from further abuse and ensure that you’re treated in the workplace. You don’t have to deal with bullying on your own.
3. Set boundaries
When someone is bullying you, they are crossing your boundaries. It’s important to set boundaries for yourself and others in order to protect yourself from further abuse. Setting boundaries can also help you communicate your needs and wants to others, which will help you achieve success in the workplace.
4. Practice positive self-talk
When you’re bullied at work, it’s easy to tell yourself that everything is your fault and that you aren’t good enough. This type of thinking does nothing but keep you in a negative mindset. Instead, practice speaking positively about yourself and focusing on your strengths instead of your weaknesses. When you feel better about yourself, it’ll be easier to achieve career success.
5. Start a gratitude journal
Take time each evening to write down three things from the day that made you happy or grateful. Then list these things every night before bed until it becomes a habit. This can help you focus on the positive aspects of your day and reduce stress and anxiety.
6. Connect with others
When you’re feeling down, it’s important to connect with others who will support you and make you feel better. Talk to your friends, family, or a therapist about your experiences and the challenges you’re facing. When you have someone to talk to, it’ll be easier for you to deal with the bullies in your life.
7. Get organized
One of the best ways to achieve success is to become more organized. When you’re organized, you know what you need to do and when you need to do it. This can help reduce stress and anxiety in your life.
If you are being bullied at work, it is important to know that this behavior is not just a harmless joke. Bullying can have serious consequences for your career and health. It’s therefore important you take heed of signs you’re not being treated fairly at work and apply the above tips so that you can achieve success in your profession without fear or worry.