
Things That Payroll Officers Must Avoid

StrategyDriven Managing Your People Article | Things That Payroll Officers Must AvoidThere are several things that payroll providers must avoid. These violations can lead to imprisonment and fines of up to $10,000. Many employers try to comply with the law, but they are still prone to mistakes that could cost businesses money and reputation.

Falsifying wages

Employees can falsify their wages to benefit themselves or employers. Falsified wages are common ways to cheat payroll departments. Employees may also use their payroll access to forge or alter checks and alter the amounts. Physical reviews are also easier to develop and steal.

Another way to defraud a payroll system is to perform timesheet fraud. This involves submitting timesheets that do not accurately represent an employee’s work schedule. This method is prevalent among non-exempt employees, who may use false timesheets to cover up a problem. An employer can correct time records before wages are paid to prevent any further fraud. Falsifying wages is something that payroll officers must avoid.

Falsifying hours worked

One of the biggest problems in the workplace is that employees may be tempted to falsify their timesheets. Even if you are not at fault, it is vital to maintain accurate time records for both exempt and nonexempt employees. It is critical to keep correct documents of all time spent working, including meal breaks and constant changes. You should also justify what will happen if an employee submits a timesheet containing false information. You should always review your timesheet policy with your employees and ask about any discrepancies in time records. This way, you can resolve any issues before payroll time arrives.

Another ordinary mistake payroll officers must watch out for is the use of ghost hourly employees. This type of employee uses the payroll system to steal from a company. In a larger company, ghost hourly employees may use this scheme to take advantage of the company’s payroll system. Regular audits of payroll records will help you spot irregularities and inconsistencies in payroll budgets. Falsifying hours is also possible with sophisticated time clocks that require employees to enter a unique passcode for each employee.

Falsifying tax forms

While employers who pay their employees in cash have many risks, one of the biggest is the risk of misclassifying them. If payroll officers don’t classify employees correctly, they may violate federal tax laws. The consequences of misclassification can include fines of up to $25,000 per instance and penalties and back payroll taxes. To avoid such a scenario, payroll officers should work with a competent payroll company to classify employees correctly.

Falsifying sick days

In the workplace, employees must give as much notice as possible if they will miss a shift. Unfortunately, many will try to resolve the issue, saying they will return later, but this isn’t appropriate. Instead, call to explain that they’re sick and tell your employer when you expect to return. While coming in with a cough may be uncomfortable, it is still better than not coming in.

While some employees may be able to make it through the workday with the excuse that they’re ill, some might try to fake it. This can cost a company money and goodwill, so it’s vital to have a system to catch false claims. A drive-by of an employee’s house is one way to catch someone out with fake sick days. When a supervisor sees someone on camera, they’ll be fired or given their job back.

Falsifying vacation

There are multiple ways in which an employee may be misclassified as a fake employee. In some instances, employees have been caught doing something illegal, like falsifying vacation hours, and payroll officers are often responsible. Payroll officers may have detected irregularities and declined to process them, but employees and managers have also criticized them. Falsifying vacation and severance hours for employees can be a significant problem, and the consequences of these actions could be costly.

The Top Benefits of a Corporate Wellness Program

StrategyDriven Talent Management Article | The Top Benefits of a Corporate Wellness ProgramThese days, the most pressing challenges that employers face are attracting and retaining top talent. If you want your company to stand out from the crowd and interest standout candidates, you must find creative offerings. While a competitive salary and benefit packages are key, you also need to show prospective employees that you care about them as people rather than just workers. Corporate wellness programs can help you with this. So, what other benefits follow the establishment of a corporate wellness program?

Improved Employee Productivity

First, such a program can increase your staff’s productivity. After all, happy employees are more likely to work hard and remain focused. Individuals struggling with mental or physical health issues often struggle to complete tasks. But a wellness program can help you take proactive steps toward supporting health and wellness. As a result, employees have more energy to focus and fewer distractions to undermine their productivity. If you want to boost output, focus on your workers’ mental health.

More Continuity and Less Turnover

Another significant benefit of a corporate wellness program is how it increases continuity in the workplace. When employees struggle with their health and wellness, they tend to take time off work. Someone else must then pick up the tasks of that staff member. If you want to avoid this issue, you must keep your employees as happy and healthy as possible. A corporate wellness program will help you do just that.

Attract the Top Talent

Finally, the greatest benefit of a corporate wellness program is its capacity to attract talented individuals to the workforce it supports. More than ever before, employees care about their office’s atmosphere. They want to know their company values them as individuals and team members. If you put extra time and effort into keeping your employees happy and healthy, talented individuals will want to work for your organization.

Set Up a Corporate Wellness Program

To illustrate that you care about the health and well-being of your employees, establish a wellness program. If you have never created a wellness program before, you need not do so alone. Reach out to a professional who can help you establish effective health initiatives.

How To Maximize Your Call Center Productivity – Call Center Incentive Program Ideas

StrategyDriven Managing Your People Article | How To Maximize Your Call Center Productivity – Call Center Incentive Program IdeasIt is important to recognize that every job position and every employee needs a bit of a boost from time to time. This is why incentive programs are critical to driving performance. This is especially true in call centers, where a highly stressful working environment can make it difficult for the employees to remain in their position for a longer time.

Due to this, most of the large organizations have a formal reward and recognition program in place. Out of those organizations, more than 70% have different call center incentive programs, ranging from 3 to 6. They are based on different incentives and aimed at individual workers. Studies show that the companies with the call center incentive program in place have increased the performance of their workers by 27%.

In a stressful working environment, your employees might feel like their efforts were not appreciate. It is likely that individual employees would work harder if they were more appreciated. This is why it is a good idea to set up formal recognition programs for your employees. These programs make employees feel appreciated and encouraged to work harder.

A good call center incentive will lead to a boost in performance and overall improvement in your company culture.

Call Center Incentive Ideas

In every call center, employees have the opportunity to work with customers to create pleasant experiences. While the work can be complex, the effects of delivering an exceptional experience to customers are worth it. However, if your employees are unhappy, they are not likely to provide a pleasant experience to your customers.

Your employee mental health, and their feeling of appreciation, are closely connected with your customer experience. In order to improve the service and the customer experience, it is critical to provide incentives that will motivate your employees to do better. And the best way to keep your employees motivated is by providing incentives that will boost productivity and maintain morale.

Here are some ideas on building a successful call center incentive strategy.

1. Awarding the Employee of the Month

It has been proved that recognition is one of the most significant call center incentives. It’s essential to recognize people for a job well done regularly. A lot of companies have an employee of the month award to recognize the efforts of their employees. You can also split your call center into teams and set up a friendly competition.

When you break up your call center into more teams, you can have more awards given. These awards can be by votes and can encourage co-workers to be supportive of their peers. Most of the employees believe that rewarding employees who perform well is important. This emphasizes to your employees that you value their efforts and notice their hard work.

A side benefit is that when their manager appreciates them, it improves their relationships. Employees end up trusting their managers, and it leads to a more positive experience for everyone. It is an essential step to recognize your best employers in order to keep them motivated. Have a variety of ways to showcase your appreciation towards your workers.

2. Set Goals for Your Team

In order to know what habits to praise and which employees to award recognition to, it is important to have set goals as an individual. The first step to this would be finding out how you can help your employees reach their goals. You can locate the people that want to advance in your company and have a talk with them. Figure out what would work the best for them as individuals and for your company as a whole.

By helping your employees achieve these career goals, you can have them working for you more productively. Get your employees to clarify their goals; you can encourage them to pursue the next stage of their life.

This might be hard to do with remote teams. You would need to rely on video calls and online conferences to connect with your team. Try using HR videos to communicate ideas more creatively across the team.

It won’t always be the case that your employees want to remain working in a call center. Some employees will have goals to move to another position. Instead of having them disengage with the work, encourage them in the work they are doing, and help them get to the next stage of their career.

There is no better way to motivate your employees, but by helping your best employees have a fantastic future for themselves. Find your workers who have ambitions toward advancement and encourage them. Help them improve their position and be better workers. Consider how to get people to the next level and develop your employees in your company.

By helping your employees become better at their job and helping them prepare for future careers, you showcase a great culture and a team mindset. Having people collaborate fosters camaraderie. It brings people together. When combined with fun events and programs, it helps people stay motivated and think about being a part of a more excellent ideal.

Combine personal goals, a fun time, collaboration, and managers that care. It makes a powerful combination and encourages people to try more for their companies.

3. Reward the Employees Who Care

Your employees will feel more appreciated if they know that the rewards are personal. They don’t have to be expensive outings or trips. Even a personalized thank you note can make a huge difference to your employees.

Having a formal recognition plan can boost employee morale. Personalized rewards are even better.

To make a personalized reward means that you need to understand what interests your employees. For example, make sure you have asked beforehand what is essential for them. This can be done by conducting focus group interviews, or by online forms and surveys. After this, formulate a plan on considering how to reward them for their work beyond better pay.

Sometimes you should consider using incentives that aren’t cash payments. It can be travel or merchandise awards. Make something personal to your employees. It can be a dream vacation or a personalized cup with a picture of their family. There are a lot of these subtle touches that can impact your relationships with your employees and boost everyone’s morale. Whenever possible, consider how to personalize your rewards and recognitions.

A way to find out what your employees care about and what interests them is to survey your employees. Try forming a pre-formatted questionnaire about different prizes, a dream vacation, and career goals. When you set up a survey it should express that you want to help them achieve their goals and get things they want in life. Even if it doesn’t match your specific goals, encouraging them will lead to increased morale and trust in your company. Employees will work harder for you and it will ultimately lead to more productivity.

4. Shake up the Routine

Agent churn can be a big issue in call centers. This is mostly due to having little room for growth and nothing is done to relieve the monotonous nature of the job at regular intervals. Not to mention that the stress in call center calls is a real thing. Your employees are front line in dealing with your customers and the customers are not always pleasant.

Then it is no wonder that call center agents rank as one of the highest turnover jobs in the world, This turnover rate can get up to 45% in certain cases.

One way to reduce turnover and poor performance is to invest in gamification to motivate employees to engage and achieve. Try setting up a few games to be played in your call center in Fridays, to make the day-to-day slightly more interesting.

5. Allow Time-Off or Working From Home

Sometimes the best reward can be some time to yourself. If you would like to set up a wonderful call center incentive program, consider making impromptu time away from the office a spot prize optional for on-the-fly recognition. According to researches, instant recognition has been linked to increased productivity, greater employee satisfaction in the workplace, enhanced teamwork, and more.

Of course, this may require some work in the resource management, but when executed correctly, it can become a fantastic incentive to perform at optimal levels throughout the day.  Having a day off, or a chance to work a few days from the comfort of their home could be a great morale boost for your loyal employees.<

6. Let Your Employees Pick Their Shifts

Because many call centers operate 24/7, employees will always have a preference for certain work shifts. This may also differ from one person to the next. Some of your employees will prefer working the nights, while some better function in the early mornings.

This is why, if possible, you should have a talk with your employees and set up the shifts in your call center according to their preference. This won’t always be possible, however, with a bit of compromise it can be a great call center incentive.

Make Your Workplace More Hybrid Friendly For 2022

StrategyDriven Managing Your People Article | Make Your Workplace More Hybrid Friendly For 2022Let’s set the scene.

After spending months on end working at home throughout the various lockdowns, your employees might finally be coming back into the office with a different mindset. The pandemic has ushered in a change to workplace expectations and, predominantly, a successful transition towards remote working.

Looking ahead to 2022, employees are keen to carry on their work in a more flexible manner, dividing their working week between spending time at home and in the office.

At first, you – as their employer – think this is a great idea, getting staff back inside and gradually reintroducing them into office life. But then, over time, you start to notice difficulties and issues starting to arise with this remote hybrid working setup.

You question what you can do to resolve it and start to grow increasingly concerned at how much it will cost – both financially and morally – to set up the hybrid working arrangement your office requires.

You turn to the web for answers and it is that which brings you here. Well, we have some good news – we are here to help.

Hello hybrid working

If the above situation sounds familiar, don’t worry.

From making a few technological upgrades here and there to simply learning to trust your hybrid staff, there are a number of ways you can create a workplace that is as hybrid-friendly as possible.

Listed below are just a few ideas to get you started:

1. Consider investing in training

Hybrid working is still a new concept to a lot of employers so there is no shame in consulting an expert for their help.

Rather than you going for a gung-ho, trial-and-error type approach, hybrid management training coursesare designed to provide you with all the skills you need to not only firmly understand what hybrid working is but, more importantly, how to prioritise your affiliated workers.

Plus, with the world of work looking like it’s heading towards remote working for the long term, investing early could be a great port of call, allowing you to stay ahead of the competition, attract better employees and establish a much sounder workplace environment.

2. Prioritise communication

When the coronavirus pandemic first struck, many business owners and managers scrambled to find new ways of effectively communicating important information both internally and externally.

Whether it be via Slack, email, Zoom calls or some other form of messaging service, it’s important to continue to share information in this way so that nobody – especially your hybrid workers – feel like they’re being excluded.

If anything, you should try to over-communicate at every opportunity and make every effort to maintain online meetings as you normally would have. That way, you will help ensure all of your workers receive the information at the same time, creating a much more spirited working atmosphere.

3. Re-consider your benefits package

For hybrid workers, many of the perks of working in the office are often missed out on. So, from cakes in the canteen to in-house gym memberships, whatever your current benefits package may be, it could be worth revising it to make it more appealing to hybrid workers.

Say, for example, you have employees on your books who work miles away from the office and would struggle to commute in and out on a regular basis. By subsidising a gym membership cost in their local area instead, or providing them with the opportunity to come to you with their ideas, this could make a big difference to both their happiness in the role and their level of productivity.

4. Consider the mental health ramifications

Working remotely can be a challenging experience, especially for the more extroverted of your employees. Therefore, it’s important to normalise discussions around how hybrid working feels, providing your employees with a platform to open up and, ultimately, manage their mental health.

Whether it be through setting up a virtual meditation room, a social hangout space or simply hosting regular one-to-one meetings with your staff, the more you can do to demonstrate to your hybrid workers that they’re in your mind as much as your in-office workers, the harder they are likely to work as a result.

5. Collaborate and keep everyone online

The foundation of any successful hybrid working team is having consistent collaboration between employees. Without it, staff can quickly start to feel undervalued and seek fresh opportunities where they will be more appreciated.

Therefore, to prevent this from happening in your workplace, make sure to always keep your hybrid workers in your way of thinking, always listening to their ideas even when they can’t attend the in-office meetings.

What’s more, to encourage this concept of sharing ideas even further, make sure everyone is always online and visible at the same time as one another.

Just because your in-office workers will have their colleagues to interact in person with, hybrid workers may feel a little left out in the cold without having the opportunity to freely communicate with their fellow colleagues online.

Future workplace trends

The coronavirus pandemic has forever changed the world of work, not only leading to questions over whether the traditional five day working week is still viable but also steamrolling the transition towards remote and hybrid working.

While it still seems very much a new workplace trend, looking ahead to 2022 and beyond, hybrid working appears to be here to stay. Therefore, the more you can do to ensure your office is set up correctly and your staff’s needs are met, the more productive and hybrid-friendly your business will be in the future.


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