
What is Multimodal Shipping?

StrategyDriven Tactical Execution Article |Multimodal Shipping|What is Multimodal Shipping?When you ship items from your warehouse, you likely place them on a truck and send them on their way. Not all shipments stay on the ground the whole time, though. An increasing number of transportation providers are implementing multimodal transport to improve the efficiency of their operations and get shipments to their destinations at a lower cost.

In the simplest terms, multimodal transport or multimodal shipping means that a single carrier uses a combination of round, air, sea, or rail transportation to move goods from one location to another. Opting for this type of shipping offers a variety of benefits to both the shipper and their clients alike, and preserves the supply chain in the face of challenges brought on by major businesses like Walmart and Amazon, as well as disruptions like those created by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Multimodal vs. Intermodal Transport

Before getting into the benefits of multimodal transport, it’s worth discussing the difference between multimodal and intermodal transport.

Although both types of shipping use at least two forms of transport (for example, land and air), the primary difference is that intermodal shipping uses multiple carriers. In other words, one carrier manages the ground portion of the shipment, and then hands off the shipment to another carrier for the air transport, or vice versa. The shipper pays each carrier separately, and your reports, receipts, and tracking details will come from each carrier individually, and only deal with their portion of the journey.

Intermodal can help speed up shipments, but it can be complex to manage. That’s why many shippers are turning to multimodal shipments instead.

How Multimodal Shipping Benefits Businesses

Opting for multimodal shipping can benefit your business in a number of ways.

Reduced Costs

Although you may receive competitive rates from an intermodal shipping company, opting for multimodal can be a more cost-effective option. Transport providers often provide more competitive rates when you allow them to handle the entire shipment, and offer priority status. Multimodal shipping can also result in tax incentives for shippers. Because these arrangements typically involve making infrastructure investments, companies that opt for multimodal transport enjoy certain incentives that would not otherwise be available. Multimodal transport also reduces carbon offset costs, further reducing expenditures.

Improved Communication

In contrast to intermodal shipping, multimodal shipping only requires communicating with a single operator. The central provider manages all of the communication with the actual transportation providers, ensuring you have a single point of contact in the event there is an issue. For instance, if you receive data from an impact recorder indicating rough handling or excessive vibration, you can work with the multimodal provider to solve the problem.

Faster Delivery Times

There are times when intermodal transport may be the faster option, but multimodal transport is often the faster option. Federal regulations govern how long a single carrier can move freight in one trip under the Electronic Logging Devices (ELD) Mandate. Essentially, this only allows freight to be in motion for a certain amount of time before the operator must rest. It’s mostly applicable to trucking, but it does add time to truck transport.

When a driver can transfer a load to another form of transport, like a train, though, the shipment is able to keep moving despite those limitations. Instead of sitting idle for 24 hours or more while the truck driver rests, the shipment reaches its destination more quickly. Using multiple modes of transportation can also cut shipping time for shipments traveling long distance. For example, shipping partially by air cuts a significant amount of time, even when the last leg is handled by truck or train.

Getting the Most from Multimodal Shipping

Using multimodal shipping can be beneficial to your company, but it does require proper management. That begins with evaluating all of the modes before selecting one for your shipments. Not all shipments are well suited for all modes, and what works for other companies may not be ideal for yours.

It’s also important to connect your transportation management system with the carrier, so you can effectively monitor your shipments at every stage. All of your freight processes should be data-driven and based on real-time, contextual data collected at every step of the shipment process. Armed with this information, you can implement efficient, cost-effective shipping policies and procedures that align with your company’s strategic goals and budget.

4 Ways to Inspire Your Workers to be Healthier

StrategyDriven Managing Your People Article | 4 Ways to Inspire Your Workers to be HealthierWhen you are in a leadership position at your place of work, one of your priorities is to keep your employees engaged and happy with their employment situation. One way in which you can accomplish this goal is to encourage your employees to be healthier in their everyday lives. By promoting a healthier environment for your workers, you can bring about a more positive workplace for everyone.

If you are looking for ways to encourage your workers to be healthier, here are four things that you can promote at your office.

1. The Cycle to Work Scheme

There are many benefits to getting routine exercise on a daily basis. That being said, most people don’t feel as though they have the time to get the recommended amount of exercise every day. One solution is to encourage your workers to take advantage of the ride a bike to work scheme. Cycle Solutions has all the information you need to get your workers started on the scheme.

Not only can anyone who takes part in the scheme get plenty of exercise on a regular basis, but those who choose to cycle to work can also enjoy some financial benefits as well. You can set up the scheme for your workers with ease so that they can get cycling right away.

2. Bring in Healthier Snack Options

One thing that many people find challenging about staying healthy while at the office is the temptation of unhealthy snacks. Most offices have standard snack options like snack cakes and chips in vending machines as well as sodas and sugary beverages. These items can make it difficult for your workers to stay under the recommended daily calorie intake.

Instead of keeping your snack options on the unhealthy side, make a switch to healthier, more wholesome choices for your workers. You can swap out your current vending machines for ones that dispense fruit as well as healthier drink options.

3. Get Everyone on Board

The key to successfully altering the atmosphere at your company to one that is healthier for all is to get everyone on board with the changes. Make sure to check in with your workers about the changes they think would make a positive difference. By encouraging everyone to get involved and voice the changes they think would be the most effective, you can set your workers up for the best chances of success. Moreover, creating an environment where everyone encourages one another will help to bring about a more positive work setting across the board.

4. Don’t Neglect Mental Health

While it is incredibly important to help your employees to be physically healthier, you should also ensure that your workers know that mental health is just as important. You might very well have individuals working for you who are struggling with mental health issues without you knowing it. Those workers need to know that they are in a safe environment and that there are resources available to them when things like anxiety or depression begin to set in.

A Guide to Being a Great Manager in Manufacturing

StrategyDriven Management and Leadership Article | A Guide to Being a Great Manager in ManufacturingBeing a manager is not an easy job, especially in manufacturing, where there are lots of moving parts that you need to be aware of. To make sure that your manufacturing operations can run smoothly and that your business can reach success, here are some top tips to ensure that you can expertly manage your processes and your employees.

Get the Right Supplies

The basis of any successful manufacturing company is its supply chain’s effectiveness and the quality of the materials that it uses, and it is up to you as a manager to ensure that you can find and buy the right supplies for your business. For instance, at GF Laser, their precision metal laser cutting services can allow you to get the metal that you need for any project that you are working on, including sheet metal. This will ensure that all of your engineering needs are met no matter your company’s requirements.

Hire and Train the Right Staff

However, a large part of being a manager is having employees to manage, and a large part of your responsibilities is being able to hire the right staff members for your business. You should then hone your recruitment drives, spruce up your interview questions, and ensure that you use the correct HR software to enable you to find the best team for your company. You also need to prioritize these employees’ training by sending them on external schemes and ensuring that every person knows how to use the equipment in your factory.

Focus on Safety

As a manager, it is your job to keep both your employees and your clients safe. Then, you should create a health and safety policy and make sure that this is enforced within the workplace, check that your employees have been properly trained before they get onto the factory floor, and ensure that equipment is regularly maintained and checked for any damage it might have sustained. Health and safety is also particularly important in 2020 due to the coronavirus pandemic, with there being an increase in awareness of infectious diseases in the workplace.

Create High-Quality Goods

Although you might believe that it is your job as a manager to make sure that you deliver goods quickly, it is even more important to create high-quality goods for your clientele. This means that you should focus on improving your manufacturing processes and increasing their precision. You can do this by encouraging your employees to work to a high standard, investing in the right equipment, and by constantly collecting ad analyzing data, and conducting quality checks throughout the working day.

Constantly Innovate

Manufacturing firms need to innovate if they are going to stay successful in the future, and a lot of this innovation falls to the manager of the firm. Then, you should constantly research and find the money to invest in new gadgets and equipment and manufacturing intelligence software that can help your operations go smoothly. You should also consider developing the products and services you offer, finding better ways to meet your client’s needs, and wants.

How to Improve Customer Loyalty in eCommerce Businesses

StrategyDriven Customer Relationship Management Article|Customer Loyalty|How to Improve Customer Loyalty in eCommerce BusinessesToday’s eCommerce market is very competitive, making brand loyalty an elusive concept for many. To keep the customer happy, you’ll need to consider several factors: top-notch customer service, consistency, product qualities, and much more.

However, it’s never enough to sustain customer loyalty; you have to keep inspiring them with new tactics and products.
According to statistics, it is 5 times more costly to win over new customers than to make the existing ones stay loyal to you.

A friendly relationship with customers ensures improved loyalty while keeping the revenue flowing. Loyal buyers are likely to give positive reviews about your brand and products and motivate more visitors to place their orders.

Here are some implementable methods of boosting your buyers’ shopping experience to win their loyalty:

Improve User Experience

To improve user experience in your store, consider building a secure connection with your clients. With their consent, you can send promotional emails and other information you think will trigger their interest.

When new products or stock arrive, make sure you alert them and even surprise them with VIP vouchers. Using their purchasing history, you can personalize buyer experiences by recommending offers to related products.

Customer communication is vital. Using email newsletters, you can share relevant content with customers and even send them surveys on how you can improve their experience.

Simplifying the ordering and payment process is also another way of enhancing customer experience. You can achieve this by adding categories of wishlists to customer accounts to allow them to save products for later purchasing.

Providing multiple payment and shipping options will make it easy to target international buyers who’ll conveniently pay for products from their mobile devices from wherever they are.

Such dedication will make them feel valued and improve their loyalty.

Create and Implement an Excellent Loyalty Program

To boost customer loyalty in your online store, consider creating a good loyalty program. Loyalty programs are proven to please your customers and build a community of buyers who’ll spread the word about your brand and products by sharing their success stories.

Reward programs make customers loyal and also provide a rush knowing that after a few more purchases, they’ll accumulate enough points to get the product they’ve been yearning for.

These programs also make them feel part of a buzzing online community that allows them to bond with other customers.

A loyalty program can help you boost your online store’s revenue and retain customers as well. You can simplify the process of joining by promoting it through email, on your website, or social media and offer them extra sign up points.

You can also take this time to put some of your products up for sale, surprise buyers with freebies on purchases, or offer discounts on particular products. If you are selling products where trends change frequently, you’ll be able to clear last-season stock and order more trending options.

Make Return Policies Easy

When your customers know that they’ll get goods quickly after ordering or returning, they’ll stay true to your brand.
Delivery issues can deter them from coming back. If a customer requests a particular outfit from your store, deliver as promised as you may be inconveniencing their plans and make them look elsewhere for attention.

Cost-effective and straightforward return policies can drive customer loyalty. Remember always to be generous with shipping prices to lure more buyers. You can offer free shipping and increase repeat customers. With buyer-friendly return policies, you may boost your e-store’s conversions.

Offer your customers multiple return options such as free two-way returns, flat-fee shipping, pickup options, a 1-year return policy, and much more. Always weigh the cost of returns against your risk of losing repeat customers.

Make Customer Support a Priority

Set up multiple ways through which customers can access support from your online fashion store. It can be through chatbots or live customer service agents who’ll answer all their questions regarding your products or address customer concerns.

Your customer support ability will reflect value to your customers. Therefore, excellent customer support should be a priority if you want to have loyal customers. The way you handle customers’ concerns, complaints, and questions makes them keep a score and form judgments about your brand.

Train your customer support teams to be friendly, efficient, and helpful to customers. A quick response will improve customer loyalty.

Enhance Your Email Marketing Strategy

Understanding your customers and speaking their language can help to improve your retention and conversion rates drastically. Create an ideal customer profile that will enable you to address their individual needs consistently.

In your email marketing strategy, offer your customers the option to receive only those emails related to the products they are interested in or those relevant to their purchase history.

Emailing is an excellent way of connecting with online buyers. To entice new customers who’ve made a purchase, you can greet them with a welcoming message, thank them for choosing your brand and your products, and offer them options for cross-selling and upselling.

To keep your web visitors engaged even if they haven’t made a purchase recently, sending them a recurrent email with a discount code can encourage them to buy from you again.

You can also send timely emails during their birthday or holidays with personalized offers. This approach is effective in improving customer loyalty.

Form Partnerships with Other Businesses

Did you know that partnering with other businesses is an excellent strategic way to increase customer loyalty? Partnering with established firms helps you identify better ways to engage, communicate and interact with your customers. For instance, through partnering, you can learn how a business engages with its customers.

If the method the business uses proves successful, there is no harm in trying it. Besides, you can access better technology that can help you communicate effectively with your customers. If you partner with a well-known business, this can dramatically improve the loyalty of your customers.

Especially for new businesses, they must consider partnering with other companies first to attract and retain customers, and eventually improve customer loyalty. Such startups can effectively do this through franchising. If you don’t know what’s a franchise, this is where a new business gets established under an existing company.

Starting and running a new business is daunting, especially in attracting and retaining customers. But through a franchise, a startup will garner a good market percentage and help keep such customers in the long run.

Final Thoughts

Your customers’ loyalty determines your eCommerce store’s growth. You should not underestimate the value of building close relationships with your buyers.

Devote your efforts and attention to satisfying their needs, and they’ll feel valued enough to make repeat purchases and help you market your products to prospects through positive reviews.

About the Author

StrategyDriven Expert Contributor | Joe PetersJoe Peters is a Baltimore-based freelance writer and an ultimate techie. When he is not working his magic as a marketing consultant, this incurable tech junkie devours the news on the latest gadgets and binge-watches his favorite TV shows. Follow him on @bmorepeters

Why You Should Invest in LED Lighting for Your Business

StrategyDriven Managing Your Business Article |LED Lighting|Why You Should Invest in LED Lighting for Your BusinessWhether setting up a new business or running an existing one, lighting is probably not the most exciting thing on your agenda. In fact, there is a good chance it doesn’t feature at all. However, lighting is something that every single business needs, and therefore it is important to consider how something so simple can make an impact both on your business, and on the environment. The following information explains why LED lighting are a good investment for your business.

They Work Out Cheaper in the Long Run

Some people put off the switch to LED lights because they are more expensive. While it is true that the initial cost is higher than traditional light lights, they do save money in the long term. This is because LED lights last significantly longer than incandescent or CFL (old-style energy efficient) lights. The average LED light bulb lasts around 15 times longer than a traditional incandescent bulb and 4 times longer than a CFL bulb. Over the years, as LED technology has developed and become more popular, the cost of the lights has gone down so the price difference is not as great as it used to be.

They Are More Efficient and Environmentally Friendly

LED lighting uses less energy than other lights, yet produces more light. This efficiency makes them much more environmentally friendly than other options, which makes using them a simple way to do your bit for the planet. The reason they are more energy-efficient is that unlike traditional lights, which lose around 80% of their power as heat, LEDs only lose between 10% and 20%. They are also recyclable and do not contain toxic chemicals such as mercury, unlike fluorescent lights.

They Are More Durable

Traditional light lights are very fragile; too much switching on and off, or any damage to the filament will cause them to stop working. LED lights do not have this problem, and will not suddenly stop working. Eventually, they will dim but still work at around 70% of their brightness, which means they are still usable at least until you get a new bulb. Another advantage that LED lights to have over old-style energy-saving lights is that they switch on instantly – no waiting around for the bulb to warm up!

There are More Options

Selecting LED lights over traditional options can set the atmosphere of your office with the impressive amount of options available.

By looking into design options like those available at CDM2 Lightworks, you can set a tone of professionalism with smart solutions that show off the architecture of your building.

From strip lights to spotlights, you can create a focused environment with your placement and even get creative with your installation to create an engaging space to work in while still saving on electricity costs. There are more options than you think!

For every type of business, there is a suitable LED light fixture. From LED panels to LED tubes. If you have doubts do not hesitate to ask at the experts from

Start saving cost in your energy bill, switching to LED lights will also cost you less to run and maintain, are better for the environment, and last longer. What more reason do you need to switch?