
Modern Solutions For A Business That Is Trying To Expand

StrategyDriven Managing Your Business Article |Business Expansion|Modern Solutions For A Business That Is Trying To ExpandGrowth is an essential part of a business’ progression. You can’t stay the same forever. Whilst the “business as usual” quote might be a well-known reference in the modern world, it’s important not to take that idea out of context. A certain approach might have worked for your company in the past, but that doesn’t mean it’ll work in the future. If you want your brand to build a name for itself over the years, then you need to keep growing. It’s not about completely reinventing your business; it’s about making gradual changes so you can adapt to an ever-evolving marketplace. It can be hard to keep up with today’s industrial landscape, but here are some modern solutions for a business that’s trying to expand.

Collect feedback from your demographic.

Communicating with your current customers and any potential customers in your target market will really help your company to grow. So, you need to collect feedback from your demographic in order to ensure that you know what the market wants from you. You should use social media to do this, as the vast majority of consumers in every industry use the internet to do research in the modern age. Social networks are fantastic platforms for reaching your intended demographic. That’s why you should start friendly and engaging conversations with people on these platforms.

By engaging with current and potential clients in an approachable and caring manner, you’ll be able to start a genuine line of dialogue with them. That’s how you’ll be able to get valuable feedback with regards to the problems facing your target market. In turn, you’ll be able to pinpoint gaps in your industry and create innovative solutions which set you apart from your competitors. Most importantly, you’ll be able to give consumers what they truly want, and that’s how you’ll really stand out in your particular marketplace. The internet is a powerful tool when it comes to collecting data. If you’re looking for a modern solution to help your company expand, use data to drive your research strategy. Collect feedback online, and use your findings to come up with relevant services which suit the current needs of your target market.

Market your brand well on search engines.

Digital marketing is an essential part of any good business strategy. If you’re trying to grow your company, then you should be using the internet to help you out. After all, more consumers than ever do their shopping online in the modern era, so you should focus on your online strategy. In particular, you should try to reach potential clients on search engines. Showing up at the top of the first result page will increase the likelihood that potential customers choose you rather than your competitors. People don’t want to scroll through several result pages to find a good business. That’s why you need to work on your web content so you can impress Google’s algorithms and rank highly on result pages.

You can learn more from Evergreen Digital Marketing if you want to improve your SEO strategy and other parts of your online campaign. Getting help from professionals could definitely boost your digital marketing strategy. Understanding the nuances of online advertising can be tricky. Most modern companies are trying to stand out online and increase their ranking on search engines. There’s a lot of competition. It helps to do as much research as possible and get professional assistance to ensure that your web content does well. In turn, more potential customers will find you and your business will expand.

Encourage your customers to market your business.

Another wise way to expand your business is to encourage your customers to market it for you. After all, consumers want to be able to put their trust in a company when buying its products or services. If they’ve never bought anything from your business before, then they must rely on the word of people who have used your business. Of course, happy customers don’t always spread the word. How many products or services do you review? You probably buy so many things every day that you don’t have time to leave a positive online review for every company who sells something to you. So, you have to encourage your customers to market your business if you want them to attract new potential customers. That’s how your company will start to grow.

You could start a referral scheme to help with this. If clients receive rewards such as discounts and free gifts for every person they manage to refer to you (assuming that referred individual actually buys something from your business), then they’ll feel encouraged to start spreading the word. That’s how you can start to expand your brand. If each customer managed to encourage one of their friends to start buying your products and services, your client base would double. Obviously, you might not be able to encourage every client to spread the word, but the point is that this could really help your company to grow.

Ensure that your brand is engaging.

In addition, you should ensure that your brand is engaging if you want to help your business expand in the modern age. It isn’t enough to just sell good products or services. There’s so much competition in the current landscape that you have to sell your brand to the market as well as your goods. If your company and a dozen others sell high-quality goods, consumers will be happy to pick any option. However, if your brand is distinctive, then your company might stick out and have more of an effect on your target market. Perhaps you could promise to run your business sustainably, for instance. This would make your brand engaging. Take a look at Ecosia; that search engine has become massively popular over recent years. They promise to plant a tree for every search made. Few search engines gain popularity with Google on the market, so that just shows how important it is to have an enticing brand identity.

How To Choose Your First Business Premises

StrategyDriven Starting Your Business Article |Business Premises|How To Choose Your First Business PremisesPerhaps you started off at the kitchen table. Or maybe you were in a spare room. Crammed into a garden shed or a loft conversion, occasionally working out of a cafe with free WiFi when you could. Launching your own business often starts with unglamorous surroundings – and when the time comes to finally move into a proper business premises, it feels like a significant milestone. Where your business is based has the power to be transformative. Whether you’re seeking warehousing space to become the logistical hub of operations, or an office environment where you can expand your team and make new hires to grow your business, it’s an exciting time but also a potentially stressful one. Securing premises generally involves a cash outlay and being bound to various contracts, so it’s a decision which needs to be right. If you’ve never chosen a business premises before, what do you need to know to make sure that you get the choice right?

Think Through Your Requirements

Despite your business straining at the seams for growth, choosing a location is not something that you should rush into. Before you go signing up to every commercial lettings agency in town, take the time to draw up a comprehensive list of the unique requirements that your business has, so that you can make viewings with a logical mind. Think about the size of space you need – and how quickly you’re likely to grow. You don’t want to sign a contract only to find that you’ve already run out of space six months down the line, but equally you don’t want to be paying for space you don’t need. If growth is unpredictable, then place a short term leasing agreement higher up your list. Think about things like access and proximity to public transport hubs for your employees. Look into parking restrictions, nearness to your suppliers, building facilities, business rates and the security of the property – even things like the Access Entry System. Now is the time to both think of the big picture and zero in on the details to make sure you make the right choice.

To Buy Or To Rent?

One of the main considerations to bear in mind with your first business premises is whether it’s better to rent or take the plunge and seek capital funding to purchase. This decisions depends on a variety of factors. If you work in a smaller scale, high growth industry such as software development than it makes more sense to rent – this gives you more flexibility and requires less outlay of precious capital. In other situation, where business growth is more steady or you require a very specific space for specialist manufacturing equipment, you may well be better off making a purchase, as you can manage and modify the building to fit your needs. This also gives you the option of renting the premises out in the future if it no longer suits your requirements and creating an additional income stream.The decision has to be up to you – but make sure you enter the process with a clear mind, and you’ll make the right decision for your business.

Getting The Air Compressor Your Business Needs

What should you consider when looking for a company for an air compressor?

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An air compressor is a piece of equipment that many different businesses may need. If this applies to you, this blog post can assist. Read on to discover what you should consider when looking for a company for air compressor hire or purchase.

There is only one place to begin and this is with the product range that is available. The company in question should have a number of air compressors for you to choose from, just like Atlas Copco filters do. After all, everyone’s requirements are different. You may need a four-tool compressor, whilst someone else may only need a one-tool compressor. Aside from this, there are many other factors that influence the performance of this machine. This includes everything from type of refrigerant used, to pressure at discharge, to pressure at suction, to speed of rotation and much, much more. It is vital to make sure the company has many different options to choose from so you can ensure you benefit from the best machine for your specific requirements. They should also have a number of accessories and other related products available. This includes everything from a compressor air poker to a compressor hose.

According to AirCompressorsUSA, you need to take a look at is the company’s level of experience and their reputation in the industry. It is advisable to go for a company with a considerable amount of experience, as they will have had time to perfect their service and build up a considerable product range. Aside from this, it is a good idea to take the time to read reviews that have been left by previous customers. Were they happy with the service they experienced? Would they recommend the company? Were the easy to deal with? This is the most effective approach for getting a truthful insight regarding the level of quality you are likely to benefit from. If a business has a negative reputation you should be able to pick up on this, as you can rest assured that plenty of people would have taken to the Internet to warn people from using the company in question.

Aside from the main points that have already been mentioned, there are other vital factors to think about. Price is of course a crucial consideration. You want to be sure you are benefitting from a good deal, but don’t go for anything that seems too good to be true, as the likelihood is that it probably is. Also look into the way the service works, i.e. will the company delivery the machines to you and pick them up? If you carefully assess all of the factors that have been touched upon you should have no issue finding the best company for air compressor for you.

The Influence of Start-ups on Healthcare

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There are startups in every industry that are changing the way we do things in all aspects of our lives. Healthcare is no exception. In recent years, the number of startups in the healthcare industry has skyrocketed, and their innovations have potentially changed the future of healthcare.

Our health and insurance requirements start to change after we turn 26, which makes innovations in this area incredibly important. Here are some of the many ways startups have influenced the healthcare industry.

Fertility, Pregnancy, and Newborn Health

Startups have caused huge strides forward in both fertility and newborn health. For fertility, various testing methods have been invented to allow couples facing fertility problems to complete assessments in the comfort of their own home. Rather than being relegated to interactions with various doctors and meeting medical professionals in public settings, they can test their fertility privately and make decisions based on the findings. This saves time and allows for privacy and discretion.

There are innumerable applications available that allow couples to track their pregnancy and guide them through this physically and emotionally taxing time. They are often rolled into fertility applications, to help couples conceive. It is expected that in the future, smartphone apps will be able to listen for a baby’s heartbeat and even perform an ultrasound.

In newborn health, innovations by Neolight have resulted in a product that helps treat and prevent jaundice in newborns. As the majority of newborns experience some level of jaundice, their energy-efficient, safe, and portable product will help treat newborns safely and effectively while reducing readmissions to hospital.

Patient Engagement Apps

App development companies have been continuously working toward health tracking protocols that can be delivered to medical professionals, saving wait times and presenting clear, analytical data. For example, sleep trackers, activity trackers, and symptom trackers are all readily available on smartphones and smartwatches.

These apps when consolidated, present a clearer picture to medical professionals when a problem arises, especially now since they’ve been regulated with the HIPAA compliance act. They may be able to pick up on inconsistencies that speak to a deeper issue, that users may not have picked up. On the other hand, using these apps helps people become more mindful of what’s going on in their body and flag any issues that seem unusual. This could lead to getting a medical consultation earlier than they would otherwise, improving their prognosis.

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Cancer Fighting Innovations

Scientists and startups are continuously working toward finding a cure for cancer. While there is no definitive cure yet, incredible advancements have been made in prevention and early detection. For example, skin cancer prevention products have been created to tell people when to reapply sunscreen. Other imaging techniques highlight tumors, making them easier to detect during scans and surgical removals.

On the other side of the battle against cancer, a startup known as Vivor has created a platform where cancer patients with financial troubles will be matched with different charities and financial assistance programs that can help them during treatment. Similarly, MyPeople Health is taking a patient-centric approach by focusing on creating apps that guide a patient through their journey, explaining everything simply yet thoroughly.

Startups offer a unique and fresh perspective to the healthcare industry, which is how advancements are made. Looking back at the changes over the last twenty years shows just how far we can go in a short amount of time.

Brands Represent Risk Mitigation for Consumers

StrategyDriven Marketing and Sales Article | Brands Represent Risk Mitigation for ConsumersThings exist because we need them. We have brands not because companies made them, but because society needs them. If society and consumers didn’t need brands, no amount of effort from companies could bring them into existence.

How do brands work on a societal level? Let’s start by listening to economists instead of brand experts.

Some economists explain brands from a game-theory perspective. They say that brands are a mechanism for companies to engage customers in repeated games. And by giving customers an opportunity to punish companies, brands create a worry-free choice for consumers.

No trust can be created in a one-time game. Why do tourist traps offer such poor quality for high prices? Because it’s a one-time game. Shops and restaurants at tourist destinations know that you’re unlikely to come back, and they don’t expect you to. On the other hand, the restaurant right around the corner – which also caters to year-round residents – provides great service and quality, because they’re counting on repeat business from satisfied customers. If you don’t like the restaurant, you can punish it by never visiting again. A neighborhood restaurant relies on customers from nearby. It can’t survive if it’s alienated them.

In the US, McDonald’s doesn’t allow franchise locations near highway rest stops. All McDonald’s locations in rest stops are directly owned and operated by the corporation. That’s because stopping at a McDonald’s right off a highway is a one-time game for that specific location. It’s only a repeated game from the perspective of the company’s national headquarters. And so, McDonald’s maintains ownership of these one-time game locations to ensure the quality and service that its brand is known for.

That’s why we say brands are a social mechanism to mitigate risk for customers when they purchase goods and services.

This guest post is adapted from SUPER SIGNS: Taking Your Brand To The Ultimate Level by Sam Hua and Nan Hua, founding partners of Shanghai H&H Marketing Consulting Company.

About The Authors

StrategyDriven Expert Contributor | Sam HuaSam Hua is a board chairman and founding partner of Shanghai H&H Marketing Consulting Co., Ltd, a well-known expert in creative strategic marketing, and chief brand adviser of National Real Estate Manager Alliance. He has been dedicated to marketing strategies and creative marketing services for nearly 20 years. He established the first systematic marketing methodology – “H&H Methodology” – in the domestic marketing circle.

StrategyDriven Expert Contributor | Nan HuaNan Hua is a founding partner of Shanghai H&H Marketing Consulting Co., Ltd and Board Chairman of Dook Media Group Ltd. He is a co-producer of several movies such as So Young and Old Boys: the Way of the Dragon.