
Why You Need Both Knowledge and Wisdom

StrategyDriven Entrepreneurship Article | Why You Need Both Knowledge and Wisdom

If just being the smartest person in the room was enough, then no smart person would ever fail.

But failure lurks around every corner for all of us. It’s hard to believe in our youth, but time reveals how little ‘d’ democratic failure can be. It stalks all of us sometimes, and it finds us often in life unless we figure out how to thrive and how to avoid the land mines.

It takes wisdom to figure that out. And though a handful of us get wisdom early in life, most of us acquire it from a struggle or two or ten. Many times, these difficult moments are of our own making. As we successfully work through those trying moments, wisdom imprints itself and becomes a guard rail against ever failing like that again, whatever it may be. There is safety in wisdom.

When we studied wisdom for our new book, we found many interesting qualities that it has versus knowledge. For example; Knowledge may change as times change, right? What we learned in college may not apply anymore in the current business environment. New technologies and new leadership styles are needed to succeed and win. Those changes are moving at an ever-increasing pace, and so knowledge can be quite fluid. It requires us to chase it and try to catch it to keep from falling behind.

Wisdom, on the other hand, turns out to be static and true in all generations. Get wisdom and you can use it for a lifetime.

So, how do you get knowledge and wisdom?

The knowledge part is easy. Your childhood and young life are filled to the brim with school of one kind or another. You are taught by people who know more than you and who most likely care about you. You go to college and we are surrounded by doers and achievers who understand the competitiveness of the world and how to win by outdoing other doers. You listen. You make notes. You read books. You get knowledge.

Then, you leave college, go to work, and use your knowledge to start making money, usually without a great deal of wisdom and foresight. For example, nobody in college told you that money and power can be dangerous if you let them become your primary focus. See also ENRON. A room full of the best and the brightest decided to take their chances and ignore the sirens going off in their heads. The carnage of that decision was strewn across the media. Billions of dollars lost. Suicides and jail time. Bad things tend to happen when we only have knowledge without wisdom.

Our research regarding wisdom took us back to purportedly the wisest man in history, Solomon. As we studied his life and teachings we wondered over and over again why he is not mentioned and written about more often. He was a smart businessman. He was historically wealthy, probably in real money the richest individual ever on this planet.

If you remember the story, Solomon was offered anything he wanted by God himself. He didn’t choose money or fame. He chose wisdom. And, interestingly, the other things he didn’t ask for just came as part of the deal with that request. He got very famous and rich. And wise.

As we read through the book of Proverbs that he penned we found a lot of wisdom, not surprisingly. Though written millennia ago, most of it sounds like something you would say this very day to someone you were counseling to keep them from making a big and costly mistake.

For example, be careful what kind of company you keep. Bad company corrupts good morals. Did your mother ever tell you that? I’ll bet she did, and she was right. Groupthink is a real thing. It’s why gangs can get their members to kill other gang members and rot in jail for it. It’s why a terrorist can be talked into blowing themselves up for a cause. Bad decisions don’t usually come upon us like a tsunami. They happen by inches. Hang out with people who consistently tell you a lie and pretty soon you start believing it. The business pages are filled with cautionary tales about this one piece of wisdom alone.

Solomon talked about money corrupting us, too. He understood firsthand the perils of great wealth and the pitfalls that had to be avoided. Bottom line: It’s OK to have money. Don’t let it have you.

And, the same can be said for power. Being in charge is an opportunity to do good, to serve others in your organization and community. It’s not there for you to use and take advantage of for your own gain. People don’t follow narcissistic leaders unless they are forced to. But they will follow a servant leader into hell and back every time.

Get the picture? We spend a lot of time and money getting educated and acquiring knowledge. We should spend at least that much effort acquiring wisdom because together the two are the jet fuel that leads to a great and profitable life.

About the Authors

StrategyDriven Expert Contributor | Drew HissDrew Hiss launched his outsourced payroll and HR technology solutions company, Checkdate Solutions, in 1994. He merged Checkdate Solutions with payroll industry leader Paycor, stepping away from the company in 2008 and serving on its board for eight years.

Drew founded Acumen in late in 2015. Acumen is a catalytic iron-sharpening-iron environment forged from the fiery furnace of entrepreneurial battle, marketplace survival and integration of the timeless wisdom of the ages.

StrategyDriven Expert Contributor | Dan CooperDan Cooper co-founded ej4, a video-based online training company, in 2003 and was its CEO until selling it in 2012. He then took his leadership and technology experience to work on and in the Sparklab startup business accelerator as well as leading change management and profit building initiatives for mid-market companies.

Today, he is the President and partner of Acumen, an accelerator community experience built for CEOs and Owners of strong and growing companies. Dan is also a certified Executive Coach credentialed through the International Coaching Federation.

Dan and Drew are the authors of a new book, Sharpen: A Guidebook for Business Ownership and Adventures in Leadership.

Keys To Your First Apartment Redevelopment

StrategyDriven Entrepreneurship Article | Keys To Your First Apartment RedevelopmentAre you looking to invest in real estate? Are you hoping to redevelop an apartment complex or multi-family home? For first-time renovators, there is a lot to take into account before investing in a redevelopment project. Here are several tips to consider when taking on a new project.

Get Some Real Estate Advice

The best thing you can do with your own project is to get a partner who has experience. Consult a real estate professional like Steven Taylor, who can help guide you through the process of purchasing apartments to redevelop. Having someone who knows what they are doing the first time you take on your own project will help you avoid the pitfalls that first-time developers often experience. If you consult with someone on your first project, it will help you learn more about the real estate world so that you do not need a consultant down the line.

Learn How To Be A Landlord

If you are planning on redeveloping an apartment building and renting it out to people yourself, make sure you know all the responsibilities of being a landlord. Take into account not just the work of renovation, but also the expected rent of the apartments. Make sure you establish how you will find tenants, Adelaide strata management, cleaning, and maintenance services, and what your expectations of them will be as the landlord. Set yourself up for success and be ready to run your business.

Consider Your Location

Do not forget to make sure your apartment redevelopment project fits in with the community you are in. If the apartments are in a working-class neighborhood, you probably do not want to make huge luxury apartments with expensive fixtures. Adhere to where you are, because an apartment development project can not be focused on just making money. You need to attract the right people to live there, which is more determined by the people who already live in the area you are working in.

How to Boost Your Website Traffic Organically

StrategyDriven Online Marketing and Website Development Article, How to Boost Your Website Traffic Organically

The most important challenge, and usually the biggest, for any business, is to make sure they stand out from their competitors. This is especially true in the digital landscape today because consumers are constantly bombarded by content and different marketing messages from brands. You want to make sure that when people are searching for a service or product similar to what you offer or sell, they find you and not your competitors.

Sure, you can engage in paid advertising like pay-per-click and search engine marketing, but there are plenty of excellent SEO strategies that can help boost your website traffic organically. When your website traffic increases, your sales increase as well, so of course it’s in your company’s best interest to engage in organic strategies in addition to any paid strategies.

Here is a how-to guide on how to boost your website traffic organically.

Write for humans, not robots

Assuming you know exactly who your target audience is already and you have taken the time to create buyer personas, you should write all of your content on your website and blog for readers, not search engine algorithms. If you’re spending all your time crafting content for search engines, your content will read poorly, will be full of keywords, and will ultimately turn customers off.

Instead, focus on writing for your audience and speaking to them as if you were having a conversation in real life. Be personable and offer them information that they can use, instead of trying to please Google’s algorithms. If your audience finds value in your content, the search engines will automatically take notice.

Create a website blog

If you haven’t already, what are you waiting for? Blogging is one of, if not the most, effective way of increasing organic website traffic. It fosters better relationships between you and your target audience, it builds trust between your brand and your potential and current customers, it improves brand awareness, and it can even help establish you as an industry thought leader or expert in your niche.

Regularly publish content

Maintaining an active presence on both social media and your own company blog is an essential way to maintain good SEO and boost organic traffic. Having a consistent posting schedule will reinforce your brand as a strong voice and a good place to find solutions among your audience. Moreover, your content should always be high quality, so don’t sacrifice quality for quantity because this can do more harm than good.

Use the right keywords

Choosing the most popular keywords in your market is not always the best way to go about this practice. Instead, you should focus on the keywords that are most relevant to your audience. This usually means using more long-tail keywords than short keywords, especially in the age of voice search, since that’s what audiences are shifting to when they’re searching for solutions online.

Your use of keywords is important because top search engines will use them to recognize your website as the right destination for specific questions in a particular subject or niche. Over time, your ranking on search engine results pages (SERPs) will increase, making it easier for your audience to find you instead of finding your competitors.

Getting The Air Compressor Your Business Needs

What should you consider when looking for a company for an air compressor?

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An air compressor is a piece of equipment that many different businesses may need. If this applies to you, this blog post can assist. Read on to discover what you should consider when looking for a company for air compressor hire or purchase.

There is only one place to begin and this is with the product range that is available. The company in question should have a number of air compressors for you to choose from, just like Atlas Copco filters do. After all, everyone’s requirements are different. You may need a four-tool compressor, whilst someone else may only need a one-tool compressor. Aside from this, there are many other factors that influence the performance of this machine. This includes everything from type of refrigerant used, to pressure at discharge, to pressure at suction, to speed of rotation and much, much more. It is vital to make sure the company has many different options to choose from so you can ensure you benefit from the best machine for your specific requirements. They should also have a number of accessories and other related products available. This includes everything from a compressor air poker to a compressor hose.

According to AirCompressorsUSA, you need to take a look at is the company’s level of experience and their reputation in the industry. It is advisable to go for a company with a considerable amount of experience, as they will have had time to perfect their service and build up a considerable product range. Aside from this, it is a good idea to take the time to read reviews that have been left by previous customers. Were they happy with the service they experienced? Would they recommend the company? Were the easy to deal with? This is the most effective approach for getting a truthful insight regarding the level of quality you are likely to benefit from. If a business has a negative reputation you should be able to pick up on this, as you can rest assured that plenty of people would have taken to the Internet to warn people from using the company in question.

Aside from the main points that have already been mentioned, there are other vital factors to think about. Price is of course a crucial consideration. You want to be sure you are benefitting from a good deal, but don’t go for anything that seems too good to be true, as the likelihood is that it probably is. Also look into the way the service works, i.e. will the company delivery the machines to you and pick them up? If you carefully assess all of the factors that have been touched upon you should have no issue finding the best company for air compressor for you.

The Influence of Start-ups on Healthcare

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There are startups in every industry that are changing the way we do things in all aspects of our lives. Healthcare is no exception. In recent years, the number of startups in the healthcare industry has skyrocketed, and their innovations have potentially changed the future of healthcare.

Our health and insurance requirements start to change after we turn 26, which makes innovations in this area incredibly important. Here are some of the many ways startups have influenced the healthcare industry.

Fertility, Pregnancy, and Newborn Health

Startups have caused huge strides forward in both fertility and newborn health. For fertility, various testing methods have been invented to allow couples facing fertility problems to complete assessments in the comfort of their own home. Rather than being relegated to interactions with various doctors and meeting medical professionals in public settings, they can test their fertility privately and make decisions based on the findings. This saves time and allows for privacy and discretion.

There are innumerable applications available that allow couples to track their pregnancy and guide them through this physically and emotionally taxing time. They are often rolled into fertility applications, to help couples conceive. It is expected that in the future, smartphone apps will be able to listen for a baby’s heartbeat and even perform an ultrasound.

In newborn health, innovations by Neolight have resulted in a product that helps treat and prevent jaundice in newborns. As the majority of newborns experience some level of jaundice, their energy-efficient, safe, and portable product will help treat newborns safely and effectively while reducing readmissions to hospital.

Patient Engagement Apps

App development companies have been continuously working toward health tracking protocols that can be delivered to medical professionals, saving wait times and presenting clear, analytical data. For example, sleep trackers, activity trackers, and symptom trackers are all readily available on smartphones and smartwatches.

These apps when consolidated, present a clearer picture to medical professionals when a problem arises, especially now since they’ve been regulated with the HIPAA compliance act. They may be able to pick up on inconsistencies that speak to a deeper issue, that users may not have picked up. On the other hand, using these apps helps people become more mindful of what’s going on in their body and flag any issues that seem unusual. This could lead to getting a medical consultation earlier than they would otherwise, improving their prognosis.

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Cancer Fighting Innovations

Scientists and startups are continuously working toward finding a cure for cancer. While there is no definitive cure yet, incredible advancements have been made in prevention and early detection. For example, skin cancer prevention products have been created to tell people when to reapply sunscreen. Other imaging techniques highlight tumors, making them easier to detect during scans and surgical removals.

On the other side of the battle against cancer, a startup known as Vivor has created a platform where cancer patients with financial troubles will be matched with different charities and financial assistance programs that can help them during treatment. Similarly, MyPeople Health is taking a patient-centric approach by focusing on creating apps that guide a patient through their journey, explaining everything simply yet thoroughly.

Startups offer a unique and fresh perspective to the healthcare industry, which is how advancements are made. Looking back at the changes over the last twenty years shows just how far we can go in a short amount of time.