
How To Start A Successful Business In A Niche Market

A lot of businesses now are within a niche area. There are plenty of ways to be successful still. The industry of plumbing for example, is a highly skilled area that will take you some additional steps before you can really see the business flourish. This is because it is a skilled job, as many niche industries are, such as building, architecture, medical equipment manufacturing, car manufacturing and they require a lot of hands on work.

Here are the first fundamental steps for starting in a niche market:

  1. Know your niche.
  2. Get training and experience – this includes knowing about plumbing as well as business and also the implications of hiring staff and their wages, insurance.
  3. Take care of the legalities with the necessary insurance needed and all the important information relating to your businesses’ tax.
  4. Make a business plan and look at what you would like to achieve in the first year or two of business.
  5. Have a unique logo and create a business website to help drive sales – you should look at good web design to ensure that your business is being advertised in the right way.
  6. Generate leads and be a good salesperson.
  7. Have a license – this may vary from state to state, but often you’ll find that being a trade qualified plumber isn’t enough to obtain your licence. You may also need to prove you are capable in business, whether that is exams or additional skill sets that you can prove on paper and in practice.

StrategyDriven Starting Your Business Article | How To Start A Successful Business In A Niche Market

Look At What You Need

If you are looking at the world of plumbing for example, you are going to need to look at a big supply of tools and equipment. With wholesale plumbing supplies, you can be sure that your business is well equipped to deal with all types of plumbing situations and that you can do your job well with good quality supplies. You want to ensure that you have reliable equipment and tools that will serve you well. You want to keep your customers happy with being able to carry out the work effectively and efficiently without any problems. This will keep your customers coming back time after time. This depends on how well you do the job, your expertise and the staff that you employ.

Another important thing to remember is that when you are working as a business, you will need a team of people behind you, so employing the right people is vital. You need friendly and reliable team members who will be qualified for the job and be able to prove their skills as well as offering a personable attitude to customers. Without this, your business is dead in the water. You must be able to look at the positives of business too, because you will need a lot of focus and determination. Look at the competition. What companies are you currently competing with before you start your business? What are they doing differently to you and how can you outsmart them and do better?

Starting any business is an exciting prospect but there are some additional things to consider in the plumbing industry. Start small, know your craft and see the benefits.

The Pros and Cons of Becoming an Entrepreneur as a Senior

StrategyDriven Entrepreneurship Article | The Pros and Cons of Becoming an Entrepreneur as a SeniorSeniors typically have a lot of time on their hands after they retire, and after being retired for a few years, it’s common for them to want to take up a new hobby, learn something new, and for some, to start a business. Some seniors have great success as an entrepreneur in the elderly years, especially those that either ran a business or worked for a successful one before.

If you are a senior and have aspirations to become an entrepreneur, you need to think about a business plan in order to be successful. What are you selling/what is your service? Do you have experience in this field? Do you have a legitimate chance at becoming successful/how long will it take to become successful? Here are some things to consider.

What are the Pros of Becoming an Entrepreneur as an Elderly Person?

Becoming an entrepreneur as a senior has many pros, here are a few:

You Can Live Comfortably in Your Elderly Years

If your business becomes successful, you have the opportunity to live extremely comfortably in your elderly years. For many seniors, it’s hard to live comfortably when on a fixed income, however, if you become a successful entrepreneur, you won’t have to worry about living frugally any longer.

Living comfortably in your older years can open a lot of doors for you. You will have the chance to go on that dream vacation you have been dreaming about, you’ll be able to live where you want, go where you want and you won’t have to rely on social security.

You Will Pay Your Debts

In addition to living comfortably, you will be able to pay off any debts that you may have. Whether you have debt from buying a home, credit card debt, medical bills you need to pay, or any other kind of debt, becoming an entrepreneur will be able to help you pay off all of those debts. You will also likely be able to keep yourself out of further debt as long as your business remains successful.

An employee from a retirement community in PA pointed out that it’s refreshing and comforting to see elderly residents live debt-free and no longer have to worry about paying off years of debt.

What are the Cons of Becoming an Entrepreneur in Your Golden Years?

Though there are copious benefits of becoming an entrepreneur in your elderly years, there are also some cons that can be extremely detrimental to your overall well being.

The Start-Up Cost

Becoming an entrepreneur is rarely cheap, in fact, it is often fairly expensive and can end up costing you large amounts of money. If you are living on a fixed income and are solely dependent on social security and your savings, you may want to reconsider becoming an entrepreneur unless you are sure your business will thrive.

If you truly want to become an entrepreneur in your elderly years, but you recognize the start-up cost can be an issue, consider starting out small. Instead of creating an entire business from the ground up, start a part of your business to see how successful that is so you don’t end up losing money.

Additional Life Stressors

Seniors are especially susceptible to stress and this stress can have an extremely negative impact on their health. Seniors that experience large amounts of stress may not be able to handle it the way that they used to or the way that younger adults do, and becoming an entrepreneur sets a person up for large amounts of stress.

Once up and running, your business may not be stressful, however, starting out most likely will be and this can not only take the joy out of becoming an entrepreneur, but it can also affect your health as a senior citizen. Think about how to either avoid stress as an entrepreneur or rethink your business plan.

Make The Choice That is Right For You

Whether you chose to start a business or not, it’s important that you make the choice that is right for you. If becoming an entrepreneur in life has been your dream and now is your chance, create a business plan, and do your best to get rid of the cons. Like any major decision in life, there are pros and cons, so as long as you make your choice favoring the pros, you are bound for success.

About the Author

StrategyDriven Expert Contributor | Kelsey SimpsonKelsey Simpson enjoys writing about things that can help others. She lives in South Jersey and is the proud companion to two German Shepherds and spends her free time volunteering in dog shelters.

Ensure That You’re Covered Before Things Go Wrong

We’re sure that you have heard of the phrase ‘expect the unexpected’, and that’s the kind of idea that we’re going for in this article. It’s important when you own a business that you ensure you are covered before things start going wrong so that if they do, you don’t have to panic. Obviously, it’s never good to see things go wrong for your company, but at least you’re in a position where you are covered and not left to hang out to dry. So, in this article, we’re going to give you some ideas on how you can ensure you’re covered. If you want to know more, keep reading down below.

IT Services

StrategyDriven Risk Management Article | Ensure That You're Covered Before Things Go Wrong

The first thing that we are going to look at is IT services. Now, if you don’t currently have strong IT services for your business, this is something that you need to change fast. Unfortunately, even though tech has made the business world easier and more efficient in many ways, it is also one of the ways that people can get to your business. Hacking and cybercrime is a real problem, and don’t make the mistake of thinking that it can’t or won’t happen to you. Take the necessary precautions and keep yourself one step ahead by hiring experts to set up and monitor your systems. This way, you know that a professional has handled everything, and will be keeping an eye out for any kind of suspicious activity. This is the best thing you can do to keep your business safe in terms of the online world, so don’t forget to do it.


Something else that’s going to be helpful to keep your business covered is having all the necessary insurance. If you go to a broker, they are going to be able to help you figure out what insurance your business needs, and which policies aren’t going to be relevant to you. This way, if something does happen to your business, such as a halt in operations due to the Coronavirus, which is a big issue right now, or if there are any problems with an employee, then you should be covered. Take precautions, and listen to the expert when they advise you about what policies you need, you never know when you’re going to need to be protected. It could be the case that you think you’ll never need the policy, but it’s better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it.

Have A Lawyer On Retainer

Finally, we highly recommend that you have a lawyer on retainer in case of any legal issues that you might get involved in. Like we mentioned above, some businesses have issues with employees, such as if they think they have been terminated unfairly and so on, which means you need legal advice. Having a lawyer on retainer means that you can get this advice quickly, without having to try and find a reputable law firm to take you on at the last minute.

We hope that you have found this article helpful, and now see that you need to be covered before things go wrong to protect your business.

Tips for Giving Your Business a Successful Global Presence

When you are trying to run a global brand it is so important to understand what this entails. You need to try to make the most of any opportunities you get to improve the business. There are a lot of things you can and should do in order to help take your company international and develop a strong global presence.

Modern businesses develop in a lot of ways, and one of the best things you can do is to think about the changes you need to make in order to help make the most of this. Now, there are a lot of things you are going to have to get right when it comes to giving your company a global presence, and these are some of the best ideas that can help with that.

Diverse Employees

One of the best ways of turning your business into a global brand and trying to make positive changes in the future is to ensure that you are hiring a diverse body of staff. Trying to bring in people from all walks of life, and with different backgrounds and cultures is really important. You are going to have to figure out the best way of being able to achieve this. Do as much as you can to figure out some of the best employees you should be hiring as a business right now.

Professional Translators

Something else you could do to really set your business apart from the rest, and make a great impression moving forward is to hire professional translators. This is a hugely important move when it comes to impressing foreign clients, and showing them that the business cares about them. Head over to this website and check out the services they offer, so you can see what it takes to make the most of this and find the ideal translators for your business.


You have to do as much as you can to ensure you have a business that is perfectly suited for a foreign marketplace, and the way to achieve this is to work on rebranding. You have a lot you need to keep in mind when it comes to improving and assessing the best ways of being able to do this. Sometimes, you might find that things get lost in translation, and this means you need to consider a rebrand so that your company is in the best condition it can be to thrive in a foreign market. One of the things that is going to help you the most is to think about the cultural differences between the country you want to build a presence in and the one you are from. Getting this right could make all the difference when protecting your company.

As you can see, when you are trying to run a successful business it is important to look at how you can turn it into an international brand. Now, there are plenty of ideas that will help you with this, and trying to launch a business abroad isn’t exactly an easy proposition. Follow these ideas and you will be well placed to make the most of this right now.

How to Successfully Market a Niche Business

StrategyDriven Marketing and Sales Article | How to Successfully Market a Niche BusinessMarketing any business is a tricky process. There are many different elements to consider, from the target audience to the allocated budget. Then there are all the different advertising channels available, where you have to try and figure out which ones work best for a business.

It’s difficult, right? Well, throw a specialised niche into the mix, and the challenge becomes even more severe.

Or is it?

While working in a particular niche will limit the options available, there’s still plenty of potential to craft a killer marketing plan. It just depends on how you approach the task. To help you out, here are a few tips on how to successfully market a niche business.

Know the audience

As with any business, any marketing plan begins with getting to grips with the audience it is targeting. You need to understand why customers decide to shop at your niche business. You also have to figure out what might be turning them away, and if there are any potential opportunities available that are currently untapped.

Remember: this is more than just the basics like gender, age range, and income. You must gain a deep understanding of their behaviour patterns and preferences.

Use the right content

Once you understand the audience, you’ll already have a firm grasp on what type of content will work to bring them in.

For instance, if you were promoting a law firm, flashy graphics and funny videos are not exactly suitable. The audience you are targeting is one that seeks a company that exudes professionalism and expertise. Posting cat memes is only going to reflect badly on the law firm.

Get the content right, engage with the audience, and start reaping the rewards.

Don’t avoid local customers

When you’re marketing a niche, it can be easy to try and cast a net wide in an attempt to capture every potential customer. This is a possibility depending on just how specialised the niche is, of course, but you shouldn’t lose focus on an important aspect: the local audience

In fact, certain specialised businesses depend on their local customer base. To use an example, a reputed accountant, Liverpool based firm is Alliance Accounting. Despite their reputation and expertise, their main targets are clients that are in Liverpool and Sydney. The reason is simple: people from other areas of Australia are less likely to travel across the country for an accountant.

Listen to feedback

If you’ve created a business from scratch, you might have a tendency to ignore any feedback that goes against your grand vision.

Never do that.

It is fine for you to feel proud and be protective of your company. However, any business needs to listen to its customers. If they have a valid point, require assistance, or are simply there to complain, respond to them. If you do it in a respectful, self-assured manner, this will reflect well on your business and may even turn complainers into loyal customers.

Feedback will also help you to shape your marketing plan. After all, your marketing strategy should be one that’s open to change. Continually refine your approach, and you will be able to reach a more considerable number of targeted customers.