Entries by Nathan Ives

StrategyDriven White Paper Advises Leaders on Preventing Catastrophic Industrial Accidents

StrategyDriven’s Preventing Catastrophic Industrial Accidents reveals how high-risk industry leaders can reduce their significant event risk exposure through application of safety-first principles.     StrategyDriven released Preventing Catastrophic Industrial Accidents, a white paper revealing how high-risk industry leaders can reduce their significant event risk exposure through the cost effective adaptation of key aspects of the […]

Performance Metrics Inventory Database

Over time, leaders can grow their performance measurement systems to include almost countless numbers of interrelated metrics. Ensuring these numerous metrics remain well aligned, their output quality and relationship integrity preserved, and their meaning well understood while continuing to be of value to executives, managers, and employees necessitates a method of inventorying the measures themselves and their underlying construction characteristics. In our experience, the optimal method for maintaining such an inventory is through the use of a centralized metrics inventory database.

Evaluation and Control Program Warning Flag 3 – Using Data as Information

Too often, individuals align themselves with a particular statistic or data point as though it infallibly supported their position. In these instances, raw data is assigned meaning absent context from the surrounding environment and possibly in spite of flaws and biases in its collection. While the assignment of meaning to a particular data point may serve one’s immediate purpose, it often leads to erroneous conclusions and may result in undesirable outcomes.